Gut Health – What You Need to Know

Gut Health

The health of your gut is essential for a wide variety of factors. It influences your digestion, immune function, weight, and mood. It also directly impacts how your body absorbs nutrients and medicines.

Several dietary and lifestyle factors can affect your gut health, including diet (specifically high fiber intake), exercise, and stress. Suppose you’re experiencing symptoms of digestive distress. In that case, a good multivitamin and mineral supplement can help support gut health, while a probiotic supplement can aid in repopulating bacteria in the intestines.

Yogurt is an excellent choice for those looking to boost their probiotic levels. It’s packed with active bacteria that support a healthy gut microbiome and can be consumed anytime during the day.

Kefir is also an excellent option for boosting your probiotic levels, as it usually contains more than 10 active strains of beneficial gut bacteria. It’s a liquid-based alternative to yogurt and is easy to incorporate into various meals.

Fermented foods are another great way to boost your probiotic levels, with kimchi, yogurt, sauerkraut, and kombucha being delicious choices. These are full of gut-friendly bacteria that promote healthy digestion and prevent bloating, gas, and cramping.

Other supplements supporting a healthy gut include a digestive enzyme formula for berberine HCL, curcumin, and gentian root. These ingredients can help to increase stomach acid to break down food and reduce bloating from consuming protein and carbohydrates. They can also assist with bowel movements, reduce inflammation and increase energy.


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