Gut Health – What You Need to Know

Gut Health is a growing health concept that has been in the media for years. However, it is often not fully understood.

The human gut has a huge collection of bacteria, known as the microbiota, that interact with our bodies in three ways. First, they influence the molecules carried in our blood that communicate with our brains.

Second, they help the brain produce certain neurotransmitters that help us manage stress and feel good. Third, they regulate the amount of inflammatory chemicals that are released in our body.

A healthy microbiota is also important for our immune systems and overall health. When the bacteria in your gut are out of balance, you can develop a variety of health issues like irritable bowel syndrome and leaky gut syndrome.

You can improve your gut health by eating a plant-based diet, taking prebiotics and probiotics supplements and getting enough exercise.

Avoiding foods high in refined sugar can also benefit your gut bacteria, as can cutting down on alcohol and avoiding fatty meats and cheeses.

It’s also important to get a healthy amount of sleep, as not enough or poor quality sleep can harm your gut microbiome. It’s best to aim for 7-8 hours per night, but consult your doctor about your personal needs.

The microbiome is also influenced by our hormones and stress levels, so managing them can help keep your gut bacteria healthy. Try to avoid stress by avoiding demanding situations and practicing stress-relieving techniques like breathing exercises or meditation.