Gut Health – How Your Gut Health Can Affect Your Brain, Body, and Mood

The gut is a complex system that helps your body digest foods, fight disease, and boost mood. When it’s working properly, you’re free of digestive issues like constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, and abdominal pain.

Your Gut Microbiome

There are 50 trillion bacteria in your gut, and the bacteria that live there can affect everything from how you feel to your ability to fight disease. They also influence the way your brain sends messages to your body and how you respond to things in the environment.

Your gut is connected to your brain and other organs in three ways: by molecules carried through your blood; by the special nervous system in your gut called the enteric nervous system; and by direct communication via millions of nerves. That’s why scientists have been looking into gut microbiome-based treatments for a range of illnesses, from autism and mood disorders to chronic pain.

When the balance of bacteria in your gut microbiome is out of whack, you may feel hungry or full more often. And you might have a surplus of a chemical called TMAO, which can lead to heart disease.

Getting Your Gut Microbiome Right

The way you eat, your lifestyle, and your environment affect the bacteria in your gut, and the way they balance each other can make you more or less susceptible to diseases, and help prevent them. Keeping your stress levels low, avoiding or quitting smoking and eating healthy can all help to keep your gut microbiome in good shape.


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