Summary of Transcript:
In this video, Rich Roll, an ultra-athlete and author, shares his insights on achieving goals and making positive changes in life. He believes that one of the reasons people fail to achieve their goals is that they may not have set the right plan for themselves, which is often due to a lack of self-understanding. He suggests that people should view their hardships and pains as opportunities to learn and leverage that potential energy to transform themselves. He also notes that achieving goals requires a lot of work and self-commitment. People already living a good life may struggle to improve because they delude themselves into thinking everything is static and they don’t need to change. Finally, he stresses the importance of being present and open to feedback from others, as everyone has blind spots and can benefit from constructive criticism.
Summary of Description:
The article discusses an interview with Rich Roll, a vegan ultra-endurance athlete, and motivational speaker, on Lewis Howes’ podcast, The School of Greatness. Roll talks about his struggles with addiction and how he changed his life after a brush with death in his late 30s. He shares how he uses his flaws for good and offers tips on gaining confidence and achieving goals. The article also promotes Howes’ new book and newsletter for inspiration and self-improvement.
How to Use Your Flaws for Good: Tips from Ultra-Endurance Athlete Rich Roll
Rich Roll is a former addict turned ultra-endurance athlete who has attracted millions of followers worldwide thanks to his inspirational story. In an episode of Lewis Howes’ podcast titled “How to Use Your Flaws for Good: Tips from Ultra-Endurance Athlete Rich Roll,” he candidly talks about his journey to becoming a better version of himself.
His Struggles with Addiction
Roll had an alcohol addiction that lasted over a decade and ruined his life. He says he was lucky to have gone to a treatment center where he spent over three months instead of the usual month-long stay—those three months allowed him to face his problems and learn how to overcome them, eventually allowing him to pursue a better life.
Making Changes for the Better
After leaving the center, Roll felt the need to make a significant change, so he pursued a career he thought would make him happy. This choice led him to a lucrative job that affected his body’s health and well-being. Finally, at 39, he realized how unhappy he was with his life and decided to make more meaningful changes. Roll concluded that he wanted to turn his life around, so he quit his job to pursue his passion for sports.
Using Your Flaws
Roll considers his flaws as part of his strength. Did he choose to turn his flaws into strengths; how exactly? He admitted that they defined him somehow and facilitated his personal growth. Despite his flaws, he needed to prove to himself and others that he could achieve great things in life. Today, he uses his influence to inspire others and positively impact their lives.
The Importance of Confidence
Roll has achieved a lot in his life, but he believes confidence is critical to reaching one’s goals. He sought opinions from people who believed in him and offered necessary support, which allowed him to have a more positive outlook on life. He views confidence as a learned skill, and reframing his mindset has allowed him to find his worth and focus on what builds him up rather than breaking him down.
In conclusion, Rich Roll offers valuable insights on how to leverage one’s flaws and build confidence. His life journey exemplifies how making the right choices can help turn one’s life around. He believes that flaws can be the strengths we’re all looking for, and confidence is essential when pursuing one’s goals. Roll’s story proves it’s never too late to make meaningful changes and create your desired life.
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Today, I have the perfect person to explain how we can achieve our goals and gain confidence. I’m thrilled to have Rich Rollback at The School of Greatness!
At age 40, after struggling with drugs, alcohol, and unhealthy living, Rich dedicated his diet to plants and his body to purposeful action. Today, he is a vegan ultra-endurance athlete, full-time wellness & plant-based nutrition advocate, husband, father of four, and inspiration to people worldwide as a transformative example of courageous and healthy living.
He battled with an alcohol addiction that ruined his life from the age of 17 to the age of 31 until he finally went to a treatment center. Most people only spend 28 days there. He ended up paying 100. When he got out, he changed his life. He pursued a career most people would consider ideal and made a great living. The problem was that it wasn’t the life he wanted, and took a physical toll on him.
After having a brush with death in his late 30s, he began living for himself. Since then, he’s become a successful athlete, motivational speaker, podcast host, and all-around incredible human being.
I’ve had the honor of interviewing him on The School of Greatness several times! You can check out Episode #619, Episode #169, and Episode #10 to learn more about Rich Roll and his inspiring story.
But for now, join me on Episode #1061 to learn how to use your flaws for good, gain confidence, and achieve your goals!
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