Future-Ready: Prepare for What’s Ahead – Jane McGonigal

Future-Ready: Prepare for What’s Ahead – Jane McGonigal

Summary of Transcript:
The video is an interview with Jane McGonigal, a futurist game designer, discussing her new book about imagining the Future. McGonigal explains Datter’s Law, which states that any sound idea about the Future should initially seem ridiculous, and it is essential to hold this concept in mind. She discusses the normalcy bias, our brain’s tendency to assume things will continue as they are, making it difficult to realize when things change. McGonigal also talks about the concept of future shock, first introduced by Alvin Hoffler in 1968, and how it relates to the rapid pace of change in the world. She details her work as a futurist and how she accurately predicted the COVID-19 pandemic through a simulation game. Her approach involves gathering insights from ordinary people to make accurate predictions. The video emphasizes the importance of thinking outside the box to predict the Future accurately.

Summary of Description:
Jane McGonigal, a futurist at the Institute for the Future, uses innovative techniques like alternate reality games and future backcasting to predict and prepare for coming trends. McGonigal emphasizes the importance of balancing positive and negative imagination when predicting the Future and encourages taking action in the present to impact future outcomes. McGonigal’s latest book, “Imaginable: How to See the Future Coming and Feel Ready for Anything,” teaches readers how to build the Future they want to see proactively.

How Jane McGonigal Predicts the Future and Helps Others Prepare for It


With the rapid pace of change in the world today, predicting the Future might seem impossible. However, Jane McGonigal and her colleagues at the Institute for the Future have found ways to predict future trends up to a decade in advance accurately. In this article, we will explore how she accomplishes this through her innovative approach to futurism and how you can prepare for the Future with the help of Jane’s latest book, Imaginable.

A New Approach to Futurism

Jane McGonigal’s approach to futurism is unique in involving alternate reality games, hyper-specific journaling techniques, and “future backcasting.” Participants are placed in imaginary scenarios through her games to learn about likely future trends while still having fun. Hyper-specific journaling helps individuals focus on specific areas of their Future and evaluate how they progress toward their goals. Future backcasting works in reverse by starting with a potential future scenario and working backward to determine what steps need to be taken to make that Future a reality.

The Psychology of Predicting the Future

One of the biggest challenges in predicting the Future is overcoming the assumption that things will continue as they are. This assumption can lead to difficulty recognizing when something is no longer valid, or beliefs are no longer helpful. To overcome this, Jane encourages individuals to imagine positive and negative future scenarios, preparing them for the unexpected.

Rehearsing Catastrophes

Rehearsing potential catastrophes can help individuals prepare for worst-case scenarios. By imagining worst-case scenarios, individuals are better equipped to handle unexpected challenges that may arise in the Future. Rehearsing these scenarios can also help individuals approach future challenges with confidence and clarity instead of anxiety and confusion.

How to Practice for the Future

To prepare for the Future, Jane recommends breaking down future goals into smaller, manageable steps. By taking these small steps, individuals can work towards their goals and build confidence and clarity as they progress. This approach allows individuals to focus on what they can do in the present to make their ideal Future a reality.

Crypto, Government, and Privacy

In her latest book, Imaginable, Jane explores the Future of cryptocurrency, government, and privacy. Her research has predicted several disruptive trends in these areas up to a decade in advance. By preparing for these potential disruptions, individuals can take proactive steps to make the most of the changing world instead of being caught off guard.

Future Backcasting

Future backcasting is a powerful tool that Jane and her colleagues use to identify steps needed to achieve a specific future scenario. By starting with a potential future method and working backward, individuals can remember particular actions they need to take to make the Future they want to see a reality.

The Future of Web3 Gaming

In addition to her work on futurism, Jane is also involved in Web3 gaming. Through her work in this space, she explores how blockchain technology can be used to create decentralized gaming platforms that put control back in the hands of gamers. By examining the potential of Web3 gaming, Jane is helping shape the gaming industry’s future.


Predicting the Future may seem daunting, but with the right tools and approach, it is possible to be proactive in building the Future you want to see. By using Jane McGonigal’s innovative approach to futurism and taking small, manageable steps toward your goals, you can be confident and prepared for whatever the future holds. Check out Jane’s latest book, Imaginable, to learn more about how to see the Future coming and be ready for anything.


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My amazing and talented wife Lisa is releasing her new book Radical Confidence, which you can preorder – and get the bonuses she’s created for you – at https://www.radicalconfidence.com. When you read this book, Lisa will teach you 10 No-BS Life Lessons to become the hero of your own life and take MASSIVE bold action to achieve your potential!

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” – Alan Kay

In today’s era of ever-accelerating change, it might seem impossible to predict the Future with any degree of accuracy. Likewise, it might be easy to assume that the only way to do so is through sophisticated AI algorithms and data science.

Incredibly, Jane McGonigal and her colleagues at Institute for the Future have been able to predict several of today’s most disruptive trends as much as ten years in advance.

Through her innovative use of alternate reality games, hyper-specific journaling techniques, and something called “future backcasting,” Jane continues to not only lay out seemingly impossible scenarios but also help prepare people to be proactive in building the Future they want to see.

If you like what you see in today’s episode, then I highly encourage you to check out Jane’s latest book, Imaginable: How to See the Future Coming and Feel Ready for Anything―Even Things That Seem Impossible Today

Order your copy by clicking here: https://amzn.to/3JwImO2

00:00 | Introduction
01:40 | A New Approach to Futurism
13:23 | The Psychology of Predicting the Future
22:50 | Rehearsing Catastrophes
32:56 | How to Practice for the Future
38:18 | Crypto, Government, and Privacy
48:31 | Future Backcasting
53:54 | The Future of Web3 Gaming

“The brain normally assumes things will continue as they are. But what that means is it can be tough to wake up and realize this thing that used to be true is no longer true, or this assumption I had is no longer helpful.” [09:54]

“We try to balance positive and shadow imagination because any future will have complications, but also perhaps unexpected benefits where people use it to create positive change.” [15:31]

“To start your process of having to adapt or deal with a crisis or disruption from a state of confidence and clarity, rather than anxiety, confusion, feeling helpless – it changes the way that you emotionally experience things that can create a lot of suffering.” [26:53]

“Try to backcast to what you could do in the next 24 hours to make this Future more likely. Just force yourself to roll up your sleeves and do something to start trying to impact this Future.” [51:51]

Follow Jane McGonigal:
Website: https://janemcgonigal.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/avantgame
LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3jpyRpj
Urgent Optimists: https://urgentoptimists.org/
Order your copy of Imaginable: https://amzn.to/3JwImO2


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