Find Direction in 30 Days with Jordan Peterson

Find Direction in 30 Days with Jordan Peterson

Summary of Transcript:
In this YouTube video, Jordan Peterson discusses his new book, “Beyond Order”, and makes several points about the hero myth and evolutionary psychology. He explains that people are compelled by biology to strive and progress, and that they will be rewarded neurochemically for being courageous, but punished for being a coward. He also discusses the archetype from a Jungian perspective and how the hero image is the path of optimal adaptation for human beings. Peterson addresses the criticism he received for the lobster example in his previous book, explaining that hierarchies are inevitable and necessary for individuals to adapt to reality. Finally, Peterson acknowledges the challenges of discussing deep questions and defining terms like “real” and “true” when addressing the relationship between the psyche and reality.

Summary of Description:
The content promotes a free workshop aimed at helping individuals achieve Ironclad Discipline. It highlights the importance of taking control of one’s story and beliefs to live the life of their dreams. The workshop features speakers like Jordan Peterson, Arthur Brooks, and Dave Hollis, discussing topics like finding one’s identity, not wasting one’s life, adjusting to change, and finding fulfillment. The post also provides links to the speakers’ social media accounts for those interested in following them.

Finding your Path: The Importance of Taking Control of Your Story

Feeling lost in life can be an overwhelming experience. Chasing things that don’t bring you fulfillment or missing opportunities you worked so hard for can leave you feeling defeated. However, changing your life can start by taking control of your story, beliefs, and what you think is truly possible for you.

Clinical psychologist and best-selling author Jordan Peterson believes that “the quality of your life is a direct reflection of the quality of the questions you are asking yourself.” In his interview with Tom Bilyeu, Peterson stresses the importance of aiming towards something in life. Without direction, life can feel meaningless, and he believes that to find meaning, individuals must find their identity and aim towards fulfillment.

The Science of Happiness: Finding Fulfillment

Harvard professor and social scientist, Arthur Brooks, focuses on the science of human happiness. In his interview with Tom Bilyeu, Brooks advises that individuals find fulfillment through progress. He notes that happiness comes from making progress towards our goals, whereas unhappiness arises from setbacks in our progress.

Brooks also speaks about how money does not necessarily bring happiness but instead lowers unhappiness. He believes that true joy comes from feeling a sense of achievement and accomplishment from our hard work towards fulfilling our goals.

Building Courage: Overcoming Life’s Obstacles

Dave Hollis, CEO of the Hollis Company and best-selling author, emphasizes the importance of building courage to overcome obstacles in his interview with Tom Bilyeu. Hollis believes that life is about learning to respond to the circumstances that we are presented with, rather than trying to control everything about our lives.

Hollis advises that taking ownership of your life, including your mistakes and missteps, can help you become the person you want to be. Rather than feeling defeated by past failures, Hollis suggests embracing them as part of who you are today.

Takeaways from the Experts

While all three experts come from different backgrounds, they all stress the importance of taking control of your life, finding fulfillment in progress, and building courage to face life’s obstacles.

To avoid confusion and aimlessness in life, Peterson advises individuals to find their identity, aim towards something that brings them fulfillment and meaning, and work hard towards achieving it. Brooks suggests that fulfillment comes from progress, and that true joy arises from accomplishment rather than material possessions.

Hollis encourages taking ownership of your story, including the mistakes and missteps that have led you to where you are today. He advises individuals to embrace the lessons learned and use them to build courage, which enables them to overcome obstacles.

Final Thoughts

Life can be tough, and finding fulfillment and direction can feel impossible. However, by taking control of your story, focusing on progress, and building courage, you can achieve your goals, find your path, and lead a life filled with joy and fulfillment. As these experts suggest, it all starts with aiming towards something and working tirelessly towards achieving it.


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Build IRONCLAD discipline in this FREE workshop:

On Today’s Episode:

Chasing the wrong things in life, missing opportunities you practically prayed for, and not seeing yourself moving in the direction you wish leaves you feeling lost. It’s like walking aimlessly and wondering when someone will tell you which way you’re supposed to go.

You can change your life in this very moment, but you first have to take control of your story, your beliefs and what you think to be possible for you. It’s possible to live the life you dream of.

“The quality of your life is a direct reflection of the quality of the questions you are asking yourself” -Tony Robbins

Jordan Peterson is a clinical psychologist and best selling author of books like Beyond Order and 12 Rules for Life. Though he’s seen as highly controversial, he’s strong in his truths and stands in his authenticity. Watch his full episode with Tom here:

Arthur Brooks is a Harvard professor, social scientist and bestselling author of From Strength to Strength. He specializes in the science of human happiness. Check out his full interview here:

Dave Hollis is the CEO of the Hollis Company, host of the popular Rise Together podcast, and best selling author of Built Through Courage. Enjoy his full episode with Tom:


0:00 | Introduction to Jordan Peterson
0:23 | Take Control of Your Story
30:04 | How to Find Your Identity
58:24 | Don’t Waste Your Life
1:24:07 | How to Find Fulfillment
1:44:30 | How to Adjust to Change


“You’ve got to aim at something, otherwise your life is meaningless.” Jordan Peterson [1:09]

“The best we have may not always work but it’s still the best we have, and the fact that it might not work doesn’t mean that we should throw it away.” Jordan Peterson [1:55]

“It’s not easy to know what to do with the cheers of a million people, it’s overwhelming, it’s dangerous.” Jordan Peterson [29:09]

“What do you do when you don’t know what to do? The answer is you prepare to do everything, and the problem with that is that it is unbelievably draining…” Jordan Peterson [48:04]

“Happiness comes from progress, unhappiness comes from regress.” Arthur Brooks [58:31]

“You want this transference of social comparison you’ve always done with other people, you want to actually feel the thing you’ve felt for others about yourself.” Arthur Brooks [1:13:45]

“The thing about money, […] it doesn’t actually ever bring happiness, it lowers unhappiness.” Arthur Brooks [1:14:30]

“The punchline of life, the very thing that you are trying to optimize for is very simply fulfillment done in a joyful manner.” Tom Bilyeu [1:43:58]

“I am who I have become, not in spite of what happened, but because of what happened.” Dave Hollis [1:55:56]

“There is no control, there is only the way that we respond to the circumstance that life presents.” Dave Hollis [1:46:14]

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