Fasting While Traveling

Fasting While Traveling

Summary of Intermittent Fasting and Travel:
The article discusses tips and tricks for maintaining a health and wellness routine while traveling, using the author’s recent trip to London as an example. The author suggests researching food places beforehand, staying active, taking supplements, and staying hydrated. The author also advises against eating on the plane and lying down once arriving at the destination. The article concludes by encouraging readers to prioritize their health while traveling and giving themselves grace to enjoy the experience.

Intermittent Fasting and Travel: A Recap On My Trip to London

Intermittent fasting, sleep, exercise, and sticking to a health and wellness routine can be challenging when away from home, just like the holidays. As I recently returned from London with my cousin, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to recap my trip and share what I did before, during, and after to set myself up for success.

DO research food places beforehand

Researching restaurants before your trip allows you to browse the menu and ensure they offer items that meet your dietary needs. In addition, having a list of places ahead of time saves you from scrambling to find something, giving you more time to enjoy your trip and less time worrying about your next meal.

DO stay active

Staying active while on vacation keeps your energy up, helps you sleep better, and can help digestion, regulate blood sugar, and boost your metabolism. During my trip to London, I walked an average of 6-8 miles daily. If you’re going somewhere that doesn’t involve a lot of traveling by foot, there are other ways to make sure you get some activity in, like playing beach volleyball or taking a morning walk along the seashore.

DO take your supplements

Think of supplements like your prescription medications—they’re important to take daily, even when traveling. For my London trip, I made sure to bring along creatine and all of my sleep support supplements.

DO stay hydrated

Traveling by airplane can actually cause you to become dehydrated faster due to the lower humidity in the air. Therefore, I added LMNT electrolytes to my water. In addition, to keep my skin hydrated at the higher altitude, I applied Beautycounter’s Countermatch Intense Moisture Serum and Clean Swipe Hyaluronic Lip Balm.

DON’T eat on the plane

I made sure to eat a protein-dense meal before my overnight flight, so I had no problem skipping the dinner and breakfast offered on the plane and sticking to my fasting schedule. Always focus on consuming protein to keep you full and satiated, but listen to your body, and if you feel like you need something, eat.

DON’T lie down once you get to your destination

Although it’s tempting to take a quick nap once you get to your destination, always aim to stay on local time. Get a shower, change your clothes, get some sunshine, and rally. This will not only help you adjust to the time difference but improve your sleep while away.

Recap of my trip

On day one, I arrived in the early morning, ate a delicious meal at Farmer J, went sightseeing on foot, saw the Book of Mormon, and had an amazing dinner at Fallow. I slept for ten straight hours that night. On day two, I hit the ground running with more touring, high tea, shopping, and dinner at Bob Bob Ricard. Another action-packed day led to another great night of sleep. On our final full day in London, we focused on more high-end shopping, had dim sum for lunch at Yauatcha, and ended our night with Indian food.

Final Thoughts

Traveling doesn’t have to disrupt your everyday health routines. By utilizing these tips, you will find it easy to stick to them, no matter where you are. Just remember to give yourself grace and the ability to truly enjoy yourself. My passion is to help women make sustainable changes in their lives to significantly impact their overall health and wellness. Click here to find out more. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram for more travel-related content!

This blog shares the views and opinions of Cynthia Thurlow. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, nor intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical condition or disease. Please consult your healthcare practitioner concerning any medical problem or concern, diet changes, and adding or discontinuing a medication or supplement.

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