Faces of Fetuses Changed by Moms’ Drinking

Faces of Fetuses Changed by Moms’ Drinking

Summary of Shocking Research Shows Changes in Children’s Face Shapes Linked to Mothers’ Alcohol Consumption Before and During Pregnancy:
This study examined the association between prenatal alcohol exposure and facial shape in children aged 9 and 13. Using AI and deep learning technology, researchers analyzed 3D images of 3149 and 2477 children respectively, from the Generation R Study in the Netherlands, born between April 2009 and January 2006. The study found a statistically significant association between prenatal alcohol exposure and face shape in the nine-year-olds. Even low levels of alcohol consumption (less than 12g a week) was associated with alterations in the shape of children’s faces. However, the link between alcohol consumption and face shape weakened in the older children and no significant association was found when the researchers looked at data for the children at the age of 13 years.


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