Estrogen: Risks & Rewards!

Estrogen: Risks & Rewards!

Summary of Transcript:
The video explains that both the idea that estrogen replacement helps with weight gain and that it causes weight gain are true, which can be confusing for women. Too much estrogen causes weight gain because it is a growth hormone that tells the body to prepare for pregnancy, causing fat to accumulate around the hips and waist. On the other hand, too little estrogen also causes weight gain. The key is to find the sweet spot where estrogen levels are balanced.

Summary of Description:
The content discusses the benefits of intermittent fasting (IF) for women’s health, particularly in balancing estrogen levels and improving overall wellness. Cynthia Thurlow is mentioned as an advocate for IF.

Cynthia Thurlow: Revolutionizing Women’s Health through Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting (IF) has become an increasingly popular practice in recent years, with individuals across the globe swearing by its benefits. However, renowned nutritionist and wellness expert, Cynthia Thurlow, has taken it to a whole new level, particularly for women’s health. In this article, we’ll delve into Thurlow’s approach to IF, its relationship with women’s health, and the benefits it can bring.

Who is Cynthia Thurlow?

Cynthia Thurlow is a renowned functional nutritionist, nurse practitioner, and wellness expert. She has spent more than 20 years practicing in the healthcare industry, and during this time, she has become a leading authority in the fields of women’s health and functional medicine. Thurlow is a sought-after speaker and has been featured in several media outlets, including ABC News, The Washington Post, and NPR.

What is IF?

IF is a pattern of eating that involves fasting for a predetermined time period, followed by a period of eating. While this may sound extreme, it has become popular due to its ability to help individuals lose weight, improve overall health, and increase longevity. Essentially, when you practice IF, you are limiting the amount of time you spend eating each day, which, in turn, helps your body to enter a state of ketosis or fat burning.

The Relationship between IF and Women’s Health

IF is commonly thought of as a practice that is better suited to men. However, according to Thurlow, there is growing evidence that suggests that it can be highly beneficial for women too. She has spent years researching the relationship between women’s hormones and fasting and has found that fasting can help to regulate estrogen levels.

Estrogen is a hormone that plays a vital role in women’s health. However, too much, or too little, can lead to several adverse effects, including weight gain, mood swings, and hot flashes. Thurlow believes that by practicing IF, women can stabilize their estrogen levels, which can, in turn, lead to more balanced hormones and improved health.

The Benefits of IF for Women’s Health

The benefits of IF for women’s health are numerous. For starters, it can help women to lose weight. This is because when you fast, your body enters a state of ketosis, which helps it to burn fat for fuel. Additionally, fasting can also help to improve insulin sensitivity, which is essential for overall metabolic health.

Another major benefit of IF for women’s health is its ability to reduce inflammation. Inflammation is a known contributor to several chronic conditions, including heart disease, arthritis, and cancer. By fasting, women can reduce the levels of inflammatory markers in their bloodstream, which can lead to improved health.

Finally, fasting can also help to reduce the risk of developing several chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. By limiting the amount of time spent eating each day, women can reduce the amount of stress their body is under, which can lead to improved health.


In conclusion, Cynthia Thurlow is revolutionizing women’s health through her approach to IF. Her research has shown that fasting can regulate women’s hormones, which can lead to several health benefits, including weight loss, reduced inflammation, and a decreased risk of chronic diseases. If you’re interested in learning more about IF and how it can benefit your health, we highly recommend checking out Thurlow’s work.


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#CynthiaThurlow #womenshealth #wellness #IF #intermittentfasting #fastingforwomen #health #estrogen