Endless Motivation: Woman’s 100-Pound Weight Loss Story

Endless Motivation: Woman’s 100-Pound Weight Loss Story

Summary of This Woman’s 100-Pound Weight Loss Story Is Endless Motivation:


1. The importance of taking that first step to get started on a weight loss journey.
2. The impact of mental and physical health on weight loss.
3. The success of not setting a rigid timeframe for weight loss goals.
4. Developing a healthy relationship with food and finding an eating plan that works best for the individual.
5. The role of exercise, such as OrangeTheory, in weight loss.
6. Finding what works for you and focusing on your own journey.

Sometimes, the most challenging part of losing weight, transforming your body, or achieving a certain fitness goal is simply the act of taking that first step to get started. It can be daunting and overwhelming to think about how much progress you need to make, and it’s easy to find excuses or reasons to put it off. But if you’re in need of a dose of pure motivation, you’re going to want to read on to hear about one woman’s true (and truly inspiring!) weight loss journey.

Meet Lisa Maresca, a 30-year-old Eat This reader who lost an incredible 100 pounds within a two-and-a-half-year period. Lisa had always struggled with her weight, and it had fluctuated for most of her life. She had previously lost a lot of weight at the end of 2015 but in a very unhealthy way. She was depriving herself of food and severely under-eating, which ultimately led to her gaining back all of the weight, and even more, once she stopped.

Fast forward to July 2020, and Lisa was the heaviest she had ever been. It was also during this time that the Covid-19 pandemic hit, further exacerbating her mental and physical health. It was a trip to Hershey Park with friends that became the turning point for Lisa. She was too big to fit on any of the roller coasters, and the level of embarrassment and self-hate she felt was enough to ignite a desire for change.

Lisa’s weight loss journey began in July 2020, and she didn’t set a rigid timeframe for her end goal. This lack of pressure allowed her to focus on the process and make sustainable changes to her lifestyle. She also emphasized the importance of controlling the controllable and recognizing the mental component of weight loss. It’s not just about working out and watching what you eat; it’s about having the right mindset and having a support system to lean on.

Developing a healthy relationship with food was key for Lisa. Having struggled with eating disorders in the past, she understood the importance of finding a plan that worked best for her body. Instead of depriving herself, she focused on eating healthy most of the time by cooking at home, but also allowed herself to indulge and eat what she wanted when dining out, without feeling guilty. She also eliminated drinking at home and saved it for special occasions with friends.

When it came to exercise, Lisa found that a combination of diet and physical activity was essential for her weight loss journey. She became a huge fan of OrangeTheory, a fitness studio that offers high-intensity interval training workouts. She loved the coaches, the classes, and the sense of community. Lisa committed to going to OrangeTheory three to four times a week, and even though she had moments of wavering commitment, she always pushed herself to get back into the routine because it made her feel amazing mentally and physically.

Lisa’s advice to others embarking on a weight loss journey is to find what works for them and stick to it as long as it makes them happy. It’s essential to remember that this journey is for yourself, to be healthier physically and mentally. Never tie your worth to your weight, and surround yourself with people who support and uplift you.

In conclusion, Lisa’s 100-pound weight loss journey is a testament to the power of taking that first step and committing to making positive changes in your life. It’s about finding what works for you, both in terms of nutrition and exercise, and staying dedicated to your own journey. Remember, control the controllable and focus on your own progress, because at the end of the day, your worth is not tied to your weight.

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