Effing Hungry? How to Stop!

Effing Hungry?  How to Stop!

Summary of Transcript:
Our rates of hunger and appetite have increased drastically in recent years due to reasons connected to why we’re getting sadder, fatter, and sicker.
• We don’t typically view the big picture when looking at individual disorders such as obesity or depression – food can create moods, cravings, and inflammation.
• A landmark study showed that even when people ate the same caloric options with equal ratios of macronutrients, those on an ultra-processed diet ate 500 more calories daily and gained two pounds within two weeks.
• Hormones like neuropeptide YY and ghrelin control whether we feel satiated or hungry; the ultra-processed group had lower levels of neuropeptide YY and higher levels of ghrelin.
• Factors like technological advances, internet access, easy food delivery systems, product packaging, and convenience foods have all contributed to the rise in hunger and food products like emulsifiers.

Summary of Description:
In this episode, Dr. Amy Shah and Shawn Stevenson discuss America’s disordered relationship with food, how processed food consumption contributes to feelings of hunger, the role gut bacteria play in dictating hunger and cravings, the link between mental health and ultra-processed foods, the connection between ultra-processed foods and dopamine, the distinction between hunger, cravings, and appetite, and how to incorporate dopamine and serotonin-rich foods into your diet. They also discuss the hunger-obesity paradox, neuropeptide YY, hunger hijackers, the bliss point, the rising rates of mental health conditions, the human body’s cyclical nature, the hunger hormones ghrelin and leptin, leptin resistance, psychotics, obesity medications and GLP-1 agonists, and the link between sunlight exposure and satiety.


This is Why You’re Always Hungry (And How to Fix it)

Do you ever feel like you’re always hungry, no matter how much food you eat? You’re not alone. In this episode of The Model Health Show, Dr. Amy Shah and Shawn Stevenson discuss the hunger-obesity paradox, why processed food consumption contributes to feelings of hunger, and how to fix it.

America’s Disordered Relationship with Food

The Model Health Show dives into Americans’ disordered relationship with food. Dr. Shah and Shawn discuss how scientists have created addictive food and how ultra-processed foods can lead to dopamine addiction. They explain the difference between hunger, cravings, and appetite and how to ensure you’re not confusing the three.

The Gut-Brain Connection

Dr. Shah and Shawn explore the incredible science of the gut-brain connection and how gut bacteria can dictate hunger and cravings. They discuss the role of neuropeptide YY and how it plays a role in satiation. They also discuss the role of hunger hormones, ghrelin, and leptin and how leptin resistance can contribute to hunger.

Psychobiotics and The Microbiome

The Model Health Show dives into the world of psychobiotics and the microbiome. Dr. Shah and Shawn discuss the incredible science of psychobiotics and how they can help to regulate hunger and cravings. They also discuss the rising rates of mental health conditions and how ultra-processed foods can contribute to this.

How to Not Be So Effing Hungry

Dr. Shah and Shawn discuss how not to be so “effing hungry” all the time. They discuss the importance of incorporating dopamine and serotonin-rich foods into your diet and the link between sunlight exposure and satiety. They also discuss the science of Chrono nutrition and how the human body is cyclical.

If you’re always tired of feeling hungry, this episode of The Model Health Show is for you. Dr. Shah and Shawn provide a wealth of information and advice to help you understand why you’re always hungry and how to fix it. Tune in to learn more!


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Source Description
This is Why You’re Always Hungry (And How to Fix it)

In this episode, you’ll discover the following:
* What the hunger-obesity paradox is.
* How processed food consumption contributes to feelings of hunger.
* What neuropeptide YY is, and the role it plays in satiation.
* The role gut bacteria play in dictating your hunger and cravings.
* What hunger hijackers are.
* The link between mental health and ultra-processed foods.
* What the bliss point is.
* The connection between ultra-processed foods and dopamine.
* Main distinctions between hunger, cravings, and appetite.
* How the neurological pathways of cravings work (& how to change them)!
* The rising rates of mental health conditions.
* Why the human body is cyclical, & what Chrono nutrition is.
* How the hunger hormones ghrelin and leptin work.
* What leptin resistance is.
* The incredible science of psychobiotics.
* Dr. Shah’s professional opinion on obesity medications & GLP-1 agonists.
* How to incorporate dopamine and serotonin-rich foods into your diet.
* The link between sunlight exposure and satiety.

0:00 – Intro
0:45 – America’s Disordered Relationship with Food
5:48 – Hunger Hijackers
12:30 – Scientists Creating Addictive Food
21:00 – Hunger vs. Cravings
30:20 – The Gut-Brain Connection
33:00 –  Circadian Nutrition / Hunger Hormones
39:40 –  Psychobiotics and The Microbiome
48:40 – Obesity Medication
54:20 – Fuller, Fitter & Happier (finding joy)
1:00:00 – How to Not Be So Effing Hungry

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