Dr. Attia Shifts Views on Fasting & Longevity

Summary of Transcript:
Dr. Peter Attia discusses how he has changed his mind on certain nutrition and agriculture beliefs in the past five years. He used to believe in the benefits of excessive fasting, but now thinks that the trade-off of losing muscle mass is not worth it. He also used to believe that there was nothing wrong with GMOs and that the organic industry was a scam, but he now has concerns over the long-term effects of herbicides like glyphosate and is interested in regenerative agriculture. He believes that healthy soil is crucial for healthy plants, animals, and humans.

Summary of Description:
This video features Thomas DeLauer discussing 5 things that Dr. Peter Attia has changed his mind on regarding longevity. He promotes Peter Attia’s new book and newsletter, as well as provides a discount code for House of Macadamias. Thomas discusses topics such as regular fasting, agriculture, exercise as a “drug,” skepticism on metformin as a geroprotective molecule, and the importance of emotional health. The video contains a paid partnership with a brand that supports the channel. Thomas encourages viewers to subscribe to his email newsletter and follow him on Instagram.

Peter Attia: 5 Things He’s Changed His Mind On for Longevity


In this video, Thomas DeLauer discusses five topics related to longevity that Dr. Peter Attia has changed his mind about. Dr. Attia is a medical doctor who specializes in longevity and has a popular podcast, The Drive. He has also authored a book on the topic of longevity.

Regular Fasting:

One of the topics that Dr. Attia has changed his opinion on is regular fasting. He used to believe that fasting every day was the most effective way to promote longevity. However, he now believes that there is value in having a consistent eating schedule and that occasional extended fasts are more effective.

House of Macadamias:

During the video, Thomas DeLauer mentions a brand called House of Macadamias. He mentions that viewers can get 20% off their purchase by using the code THOMAS20. This is a paid partnership that helps support the channel.


Another topic that Dr. Attia has changed his mind about is agriculture. He used to believe that modern agriculture techniques were causing more harm than good. However, he now believes that there are ways to use modern technology to improve agriculture and reduce harm to the environment.

Nitrogen Spiking:

Thomas DeLauer also discusses the concept of nitrogen spiking during the video. This refers to a practice where supplement companies add extra nitrogen to their products to make it appear that they have more protein. Dr. Attia is skeptical of this practice and believes that it is important for consumers to be aware of it.


Dr. Attia has long been an advocate for the benefits of exercise. However, he has recently become more focused on the specific types of exercise that are most beneficial for longevity. He believes that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and resistance training are the most effective types of exercise for promoting longevity.


Finally, Thomas DeLauer discusses Dr. Attia’s skepticism of metformin as a geroprotective molecule. Metformin is a drug that is often prescribed to treat type 2 diabetes. Some studies have suggested that it may also have anti-aging properties. However, Dr. Attia believes that there is not yet enough evidence to fully support its effectiveness as a longevity drug.

Emotional Health:

The video concludes with a discussion of the importance of emotional health. Dr. Attia believes that emotional wellness is a key component of longevity and that it is important to incorporate strategies like mindfulness and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) into one’s longevity plan.


This video provides insight into the changing opinions and beliefs of Dr. Peter Attia regarding the five longevity topics discussed. While it is important to listen to experts like Dr. Attia, it is also important to do your own research and make informed decisions about your own longevity plan.


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Source Description
Use Code THOMAS20 for 20% off House of Macadamias: http://houseofmacadamias.com/Thomas
Peter Attia Has Changed his Mind on These 5 Longevity Topics

Be sure to check out Peter Attia’s new book, Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0593236599?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_VNMGYH8ZF7PBZBQZTF6B

Peter’s newsletter on the latest metformin research: https://peterattiamd.com/a-recent-metformin-study-casts-doubts-on-longevity-indications/
Peter’s podcast on Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): https://peterattiamd.com/shireenrizvi/

More episodes from Peter’s podcast, The Drive: https://peterattiamd.com/podcast/
Follow Peter on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/peterattiamd/

This video does contain a paid partnership with a brand that helps to support this channel. It is because of brands like this that we are able to provide the content that we do for free.

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Follow More of My Daily Life on Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com/ThomasDeLauer

Timestamps ⏱

0:00 – Intro – 5 Things Dr. Peter Attia has Changed his Mind on
0:19 – Regular Fasting
1:40 – Use Code THOMAS20 for 20% off House of Macadamias!
2:47 – Agriculture
5:57 – What is Nitrogen Spiking?
7:57 – How Powerful Exercise Is as a “Drug”
11:51 – Skepticism on Metformin as a Geroprotective Molecule
16:31 – Importance of Emotional Health