Summary of Transcript:
The speaker shares about seeing their parents for the first time in months and receiving news about a spike in anti-anxiety medication use during the pandemic. The speaker, a psychiatrist, expresses concern about using these medications and advocates for using nutritional supplements instead. The speaker mentions their new book and discusses 12 things people can do to reduce anxiety, including addressing risk factors like low blood flow, inflammation, genetics, head trauma, toxins, abnormal electrical activity, immunity and infections, hormone deficiency, diabesity, and sleep. They also recommend having a glucose tolerance test to check for low blood sugar levels that can cause anxiety.
Summary of Description:
The coronavirus outbreak has caused an increase in anxiety among people in quarantine, leading to a rise in the use of anti-anxiety medications. However, these drugs can have several potential side effects and be difficult to stop using. Dr. Amen presents medication alternatives that can provide short and long-term benefits. Amen Clinics offer more information about these alternatives and brain health tips on their website and social media pages.
Anxiety Medications: Short-Term Relief or Long-Term Problem?
The current coronavirus pandemic has led to an increase in anxiety and stress levels among people who are undergoing quarantine. As a result, many individuals are turning to anti-anxiety medications to cope with these feelings. But, little do they know that such drugs can have severe and lasting side effects. In this informative video, Dr. Amen explains how these medications work and suggests alternatives that offer both short-term and long-term relief.
The Cost of Anxiety Medications
Anxiety medications such as benzodiazepines and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) work by increasing the neurotransmitters in the brain associated with feelings of relaxation and calmness. While these medications effectively treat anxiety, they can also result in numerous side effects, such as drowsiness, dry mouth, and blurred vision. Additionally, these medications are habit-forming and can lead to addiction if not taken as prescribed.
Medication Alternatives for Anxiety
Dr. Amen suggests several medication alternatives alleviate anxiety symptoms without the risk of addiction or side effects. One alternative is mindfulness meditation, which involves focusing on the present moment and letting go of worries and stressors. Multiple studies have shown that mindfulness meditation can lower stress levels and improve mental health.
Another alternative is exercise, which releases endorphins that improve mood and promote feelings of well-being. Regular exercise is as effective as antidepressants in treating mild to moderate depression and anxiety.
Dietary changes are another area worth exploring when managing anxiety. Eliminating processed foods and sugar and consuming nutrient-rich foods can improve mental health. For example, omega-3 fatty acids in fish and nuts effectively reduce anxiety symptoms.
Considering Your Brain Health
Dr. Amen reminds us that our brain health is critical to anxiety management. Simple measures like adequate rest and hydration can help reduce anxiety symptoms. Good sleep is essential as the brain’s relaxation and healing mechanisms happen during sleep. Hydration helps reduce the risk of dehydration, which can lead to mental fatigue and, eventually, anxiety.
Rather than relying on medications with numerous side effects, adopting anxiety management strategies that consider your brain health and well-being is essential. Dr. Amen recommends meditation, exercise, dietary changes, and simple lifestyle adjustments such as adequate hydration and rest. By incorporating these alternatives into your life, you may find effective anxiety management techniques that lead to long-lasting relief.
In summary, anxiety medications may provide short-term relief, but they also come with a cost. Limiting their use and exploring medication alternatives that promote overall brain health can lead to short-term and long-term relief from anxiety symptoms. Using the strategies suggested by Dr. Amen in this video may be a great start to improving your mental health and well-being.
Source Description
The coronavirus outbreak has triggered anxiety among people living in quarantine. Therefore it’s no surprise that we’ve seen a massive spike in the use of anti-anxiety medications. However, many people don’t know that these meds often come with a price. There are many potential side effects, and the medicines can be hard to go off of. In this video, Dr. Amen gives you his medication alternatives that can make you feel better in the short and long term.
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