Dietitians’ 8 Carb Beliefs

Dietitians’ 8 Carb Beliefs

Summary of 8 Things Dietitians Wish You Knew About Carbs:
Carbohydrates, or “carbs,” are a controversial nutrient due to overconsumption and negative stigma, but their type and amount can impact health. Carbohydrates come in three forms: starches, sugars, and fibers, and a balance of these carb types can prevent or manage chronic conditions. Carbs do not cause diabetes, but lifestyle factors can increase the risk. Carbs provide energy to the body and the brain, and whole grains should be prioritized in grain choices. Fruits and vegetables contain carbs, and sugar can be a nutrient or an added ingredient. Fiber is a carb that offers health benefits but is often overlooked, and about half of the daily calories should come from carbs. Carbs have four calories per gram, useful for meal planning and keeping a food diary.

The Truth About Carbohydrates: What Dietitians Want You to Know

Carbohydrates are often viewed negatively, with many believing they are bad for our health. However, the truth is that carbohydrates can be beneficial, depending on how we eat them. Here are some facts about carbohydrates that dietitians want you to know.

Carbs don’t cause diabetes.

One of the most commonly heard beliefs about carbs is that they cause diabetes. However, this is not true. While the cause of diabetes is unknown, it is a result of damage to the pancreas (type 1 diabetes) or insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes). Eating too many carbs does not trigger this response, although lifestyle factors such as being overweight or obese can increase the risk of diabetes.

Carbs give us energy.

Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred fuel source and the brain’s only fuel source in a fed or fasting state. They provide our bodies with the energy we need to perform basic tasks such as breathing and thinking, as well as more active tasks such as running and dancing. Therefore, adequate carbohydrate intake throughout the day, including before physical activity, is critical for stamina.

Not all bread is created equal.

When planning your grain choices, such as bread and bread-like foods, it is essential to opt for whole grains. Whole grains contain all three-grain layers: bran, endosperm, and germ. This includes brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat pasta, and whole grain bread. Choosing complete grain options can provide additional nutritional benefits, such as fiber.

Fruits and vegetables contain carbs.

Dietitians recommend fruit and vegetable consumption in constructing a healthy diet, and it is essential to note that both food groups contain carbohydrates. One large apple contains around 34 grams of carbohydrates, while one large tomato has about seven grams. These carbs, however, are in the form of natural sugars and fibers, making them a healthy choice.

Sugar can be a nutrient and a food.

Sugar is often seen as an unhealthy food addiction, but it isn’t always bad. It can be naturally present in food, such as fruit in the form of fructose or milk in the form of lactose. It can also be added under cane sugar, maple syrup, agave nectar, honey, or other sugary aliases. Being mindful of added sugars is important, but natural sugars can provide nutritional benefits.

Fiber is a carb

Fiber is often overlooked as a nutrient, but it is a type of carbohydrate. It offers outstanding benefits to our health, including satiety, blood sugar regulation, blood cholesterol management, cancer protection, and bowel regularity. High-fiber carbs include lentils, peas, and chickpeas. More than 90% of women and 97% of men currently do not meet adult fiber recommendations, which are between 28-34 grams per day, depending on age and sex.

Half of our calories should be carbs.

Carbohydrates are found in every food group, including fruit, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy. The “acceptable macronutrient distribution range” (AMDR) for carbohydrates is 45-65% for healthy adults. This means that someone consuming a 2,000-calorie diet should be eating between 900 to 1300 calories, or 225 to 325 grams respectively, each day as carbohydrates.

In conclusion, when chosen wisely, carbohydrates can be a beneficial addition to our diets. By selecting whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, we can receive the nutritional benefits of carbohydrates without the adverse effects of added sugars and refined grains. Even seemingly overlooked nutrients such as fiber are essential to a healthy diet. By understanding the truth about carbohydrates, we can make informed decisions about how to nourish our bodies.

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