DeFuck Your Life in 5 Easy Steps!

Life DeFucked
Life DeFucked

I’ve read, watched, and listened to hundreds and hundreds of self-help, self-improvement, goal-setting, motivational books, articles, podcasts, tv shows, radio shows, and YouTube videos and attended more “you’re the greatest” seminars than should be legal, AND…

What all those hundreds and hundreds of sources and thousands of hours have taught me, and I have observed in reality, is that to DeFuck Your Life comes down to:

1.  Don’t Be a Cunt!

I know ladies… the word’s nasty.  But hear me out. It’s meant to be nasty. It adds emphasis in just the right way.  Ask yourself, which of the following makes a stronger point?

“Hey!  Stop being a nasty jerk.” OR “Hey!  Don’t be a Cunt!”

Follow? It’s nasty and it’s meant to be so.

So, point taken on the nasty word, but what does this mean? Well… Don’t be that person who brings everyone down.  Don’t be that person who no one wants to be around.  Don’t be that person nagging everyone else.  Don’t be that person doubting everyone else.  Don’t be that person who judges everyone.  Don’t be that person…  Get it?  Don’t Be A Cunt!

2.  Do What You’re Supposed to Do When You’re Supposed To Do It

Honestly, outside “The Golden Rule” (treat others as you’d want to be treated) this is probably #1 as it covers EVERYTHING. But I had to lead with #1 as it is because you have to come with your best shot right out of the gates.

So what does #2 mean? Well, exactly what it says… Do shit when it is supposed to be done. It’s possibly the only rule anyone really needs.

When should you wake up?  When should you be at work?  When should you eat?  When should you brush your teeth?  When should you clean your room?  When should you talk?  When should you get homework done?  When should you get that report to your boss?  When should you say sorry?  When should you say thank you?

Comprende?  Do things when they are to be done not when you think they should.

3.  Stop Giving A Fuck!

No, this doesn’t mean you should be an uncaring, unempathetic, unfeeling asshat… it means to stop caring about what everyone else thinks and putting mental barriers on your pursuit of whatever your goals or definition of success is.  Just STOP!  STOP caring what all the voices around you are saying.  STOP caring what your dumb social circle is saying.  STOP caring about trying to impress others other than using your talent and abilities to further yourself, your life, and your career.  Just STOP Giving a Fuck!  Now!

4.  Own it!

You are solely responsible and accountable for your life.  Just stop with the “But He/She…”, “But my parents…”, “

I had no choice…”, “I was told…”, “I was promised…”

Bull… Shit!  You are responsible for all the choices you have made and will make.  Take ownership!  Even if it may not be fully on you, like getting fired from a job or divorced or anything else. Own that Shit… Don’t be Owned!

5.  Move On!

Stop wallowing in shit.  Pull yourself up and move on!  Bad relationship?  Move on!  Bad family?  Move on!  Bad social circle?  Move on!  Bad job or boss?  Move on!

Some honorable mentions:

-Get Healthy!

This would be #6 and arguably should be a Top 5.  Physical health is directly related to mental health and a totally healthy life.

-Get Off Social Media

It’s damn cancer and you know it.  Just quit. Fuck off Twitter! Fuck off Snap! Fuck off Tok! There… doesn’t that feel better?

-Stop Watching The News

Good, honest, unbiased news is gone (did it ever truly exist?) and today the so-called “news” is a hot steaming pile of biased-filled horse shit.  Hell, even the weather is slanted and biased.

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