Curious About Lowering Diabetes Risk? Eating Purple Fruits & Vegetables Could Help!

• Eating purple fruits and vegetables may lower the risk of diabetes, according to a new study.

• The research suggests that people who consumed at least 200 grams of purple and blue plant foods were 11% less likely to develop the disease than those who ate less than 60 grams.

• Furthermore, increasing daily consumption of these purple fruits and vegetables was associated with reduced diabetes risk.

• Eating fruits and vegetables in all colors has many health benefits; however, this study shows an added benefit to focusing on purple and blue produce.

Headline: Eating Purple Fruits and Vegetables Could Help Lower Diabetes Risk, New Study Shows

The health benefits of eating fruits and vegetables are well established, but a new study suggests that focusing on purple and blue produce could lead to an even greater advantage. The research found that consuming at least 200 grams of purple and blue plant foods every day was linked with an 11% reduced risk of developing diabetes when compared to those who ate less than 60 grams.

The study, conducted by researchers from the University of Glasgow in Scotland, was published in the journal Diabetologia. Researchers examined data from the UK Biobank, a large-scale health database, which included dietary information from more than 479,000 participants. In particular, they looked at how much purple and blue plant foods people were consuming daily. These foods include berries such as blueberries, blackberries and cherries; as well as eggplants, figs, purple carrots and other vegetables.

The results showed that participants who consumed at least 200 grams per day (about two full servings) of these purple fruits and vegetables had an 11% lower risk for type 2 diabetes compared to those who ate less than 60 grams per day (less than one serving). Moreover, increasing intake was associated with reduced risk – each 10 gram increase was linked to a 1% reduced risk for the disease.

These findings add to existing evidence indicating that eating a variety of fruits and vegetables can have considerable health benefits. Some colored produce may contain specific beneficial compounds that are not present in other types of food. For example, purple produce is rich in anthocyanins – colorful pigments that are powerful antioxidants thought to reduce inflammation in the body while also protecting cells from damage.

However, since this research is observational it cannot prove cause-and-effect relationships between eating certain types of food and preventing or managing diabetes. Further studies are required to confirm this link between purple foods and diabetes risk reduction before any recommendations can be made about dietary changes for disease prevention or control.

In conclusion, this research presents promising findings regarding the potential benefits of focusing on purple fruits and vegetables when it comes to reducing the risk for type 2 diabetes. While further studies are needed before any firm conclusions can be drawn or definitive advice given regarding diet changes related to diabetes management or prevention – making sure your plate includes plenty of beautiful purple produce is always a good idea!


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