CIA Spy Report: Mind Games, WW3, China, Russia & New Superpower

CIA Spy Report: Mind Games, WW3, China, Russia & New Superpower

Summary of Transcript:
The video features an interview with a former CIA spy who discusses psychology and manipulation techniques used in espionage. The spy explains how most people live in a world of perception and lack true perspective, which can be exploited by those who do have perspective. He describes how every person has three lives: a public life, a private life, and a secret life. When meeting strangers, they are presenting their public life and it’s important to understand that their perception of reality is different from your own. The spy talks about how understanding the Pink Matter truth of feelings is essential for controlling relationships and manipulation, and how it is important to be able to see things from another person’s perspective in order to steer the relationship in a positive direction. The spy also mentions that most people are in survival mode and view everything through a lens of perception, which can be manipulated by those with perspective.

Summary of Description:
Former CIA intelligence officer, Andrew Bustamante, shares his knowledge on human psychology and spy hacks to give people an advantage in business and life. According to Bustamante, humans are predictable and understanding their motivations and drive can put you in control of your relationships and opportunities. He touches on topics such as the three lives people live, the potential for self-destruction, the new world power transition, and foreign power influence in US elections. Bustamante recommends reading Mao: The Unknown Story, The Gulag Archipelago, and Red Famine: Stalin’s War on Ukraine. He also urges people to understand that confidence is a perception, not a real thing, and that humans are hardwired to survive, not thrive.

RESTART your life in 7 days: What Andrew Bustamante Teaches on Spy Hacks

Are you tired of struggling to achieve your desired outcomes? Do you find it difficult to build and maintain successful relationships? Former CIA intelligence officer, Andrew Bustamante believes that humans are predictably illogical. However, he also believes that knowing this can help people gain the ultimate advantage in business and life. In this interview, Andrew shares spy hacks that can help you transform your life in just 7 days.

The Three Lives Everyone Lives but Not Everyone Admits to

According to Andrew, everyone lives three lives but only a few people admit to it. The first life is the one that we live with our loved ones where we try to be the best version of ourselves. The second life is the one we lead with our work colleagues where we put on a professional persona. The third life is the one we live in our own heads. Andrew asserts that it’s the third life that makes people interesting, but it’s also the life we try hard to hide from others.

Why People Ultimately Self-destruct

Andrew believes that people self-destruct because they refuse to accept reality. He emphasizes that 98% of humans are trapped in their own perception, and only 2% have perspective. Therefore, anyone who has the ability to manipulate others’ perceptions has an advantage over them.

The Bloodless War in China to Keep Your Eye On

Andrew warns of a bloodless war that’s currently happening in China, which he believes could have dire implications for the world. He encourages people to keep an eye on it and learn about the power transition that’s happening in the world.

The Power of Questions

Andrew believes that questions are powerful tools in gaining an advantage in conversations. He advises everyone to always ask questions and not be afraid to be vulnerable. He also encourages people to be mindful of the questions they are being asked, as they can reveal a lot about the person in control of the conversation.

Confidence Is a Perception

Many people believe that confidence is a real thing, but Andrew asserts that it’s a perception. It’s how you perceive your own emotional relationship with the environment around you. Andrew encourages everyone to work on their perception of confidence by taking control of their emotions and their environment.

Foreign Power Influence in US Elections

Andrew warns that foreign powers have a significant influence in US elections. He advises people to be mindful of their sources of information and to fact-check everything they read or hear.

In conclusion, Andrew Bustamante’s teachings on spy hacks provide valuable insights into human behavior that can help you gain an advantage in life. By understanding how human motivation shapes personality and drive, you can take control of your relationships and the opportunities you decide to move on. Take the time to implement these spy hacks in your life and restart your life in just 7 days.


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On Today’s Episode:

Human behavior even when it seems to be erratic is predictable. In fact, CIA super spy, Andrew Bustamante says “humans are laughably predictable.” If this is true, then why do you struggle with relationships and achieving our desired outcomes?

Former CIA intelligence officer, Andrew Bustamante teaches spy hacks to help people get the ultimate advantage in business and life. The CIA taught Andrew a better way of explaining what reality actually is; he now demonstrates how espionage shapes life for everyday people like you.

This interview covers some really interesting areas of human psychology that you may be aware of but haven’t fully connected the dots on. People are motivated to survive with given resources, and learning how their motivations shape their drive and personality puts you in control of your relationships and the opportunities you decide to move on.

Key topics Andrew touches on in this episode:
-The 3 lives everyone lives but not everyone admits to
-Why the people ultimately self-destruct
-How the new world power transition plays out over the next 10 years
-The bloodless war in China to keep your eye on
-Foreign power influence in US elections

Recommended reading:
Mao: The Unknown Story by Jung Chang, Jon Halliday, et al
The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn
Red Famine: Stalin’s War on Ukraine by Anne Applebaum, Suzanne Toren, et al


“What CIA taught me was a better way of explaining what reality actually is, and the reality is that 98 percent of human beings are trapped in their own perception, so the two percent that live in the real world that have perspective, they are able to manipulate the perception of everybody else.”

“It’s how you use another human’s predictability that defines whether you typecast as hero or villain.”

“The more a person’s resources are depleted, the closer they get to their true Myers-Briggs personality.”

“Questions are always being asked by the person in control of the conversation.”

“Confidence is a perception, not a real thing. Confidence is how you perceive your own emotional reaction or your own emotional relationship with the environment around you.”

“We are hardwired to survive, we are not wired to thrive.”

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