Cancer Reversed by Fasting (29 characters)

Summary of Transcript:
A woman with stage 3 follicular lymphoma underwent a 21-day medically supervised water-only fast, followed by a whole food plant-based diet. Upon physical examination and CT scan, her cancerous lymph nodes appeared to be shrinking, and at follow-ups six and nine months later, remained unpalpable. While there is no clear evidence that fasting can ameliorate cancer in humans, a plant-based diet high in dietary fiber, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables has been shown to reduce the risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The consumption of animal fat, meat, and dairy products may increase the risk, potentially due to the presence of cancer-causing viruses, animal proteins that stimulate malignant changes, or saturated fat that impairs immune system function and promotes chronic inflammation. Organic meat does not significantly diminish carcinogenic risk over conventionally produced meat. The benefits of a plant-based diet may be due to phytochemicals and antioxidants that inhibit tumor progression.

Summary of Description:
In a video by Dr. Michael Greger, MD FACLM, he discusses the case report of a woman with stage 3 follicular lymphoma who experienced a reversal in her cancer after water-only fasting followed by a whole food, plant-based diet. Dr. Greger also addresses concerns about fasting and cancer-induced muscle wasting and provides additional resources for those interested in evidence-based nutrition. Viewers can access a list of links to scientific sources, as well as a transcript and acknowledgments for the video, on the website. Social media links, a donation page, and information about Dr. Greger’s books and speaking tour are also available.

A Case of Stage 3 Cancer Reversal with Fasting

Can fasting help reverse stage 3 cancer? The answer may surprise you. In this video, Dr. Michael Greger shares the story of a case report of water-only fasting followed by a whole food, plant-based diet for follicular lymphoma.

The Case Report

The video begins with Dr. Greger presenting a case report from the International Journal of Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Research. The report details the case of a 42-year-old woman with stage 3 follicular lymphoma who underwent a 21-day water-only fast followed by a whole food, plant-based diet.

The Results

After fasting, the woman showed a significant reduction in tumor size and lymph node involvement. She then followed a whole food, plant-based diet and continued to see improvement. Over a year later, a follow-up PET scan revealed no evidence of cancer.

The Science

Dr. Greger explains that fasting has been shown to trigger a variety of cellular and molecular responses that may help fight cancer. For example, fasting can decrease insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels, which has been linked to increased cancer risk. Fasting can also trigger autophagy, a cellular process that helps cells survive stress and can potentially kill cancer cells.

Plant-Based Diets

The woman in the case report also followed a whole food, plant-based diet after her fast, which may have contributed to her continued cancer remission. Plant-based diets have been shown to have numerous health benefits, including a lower risk of cancer.

Questions and Resources

Dr. Greger invites viewers to leave questions in the comments section and provides links to additional resources for those interested in learning more about fasting and plant-based diets.


While it is important to note that this case report is just one example and more research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits of fasting for cancer, the results are certainly promising. As always, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle.


See Original Source

Source Description
I go over a case report of water-only fasting, followed by a whole food, plant-based diet for follicular lymphoma.

The story continues in my next video, Spontaneous Regression of Cancer with Fasting (

What about fasting and cancer-induced muscle wasting? See Fasting for Cancer: What About Cachexia? (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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