Summary of Transcript:
The video discusses the importance of skeletal muscle in metabolic control, glucose disposal, and disease prevention. The speaker, a trained geriatrician, highlights how reducing protein intake, as suggested for longevity by some, can be dangerous for an aging population. Skeletal muscle is an endocrine organ that acts as body armor and maintains the body in times of fasting, illness, or injury. It also aids in protein turnover, protects against insulin resistance, and increases natural killer cells that aid in the immune response against cancer. Finally, the video emphasizes the need to bridge the gap between fitness and medical professionals to better understand and promote the value of skeletal muscle in overall health.
Summary of Description:
Dr. Gabrielle Lyon discusses the importance of building skeletal muscle to increase longevity and reduce the risk of disease. She explains how the lack of skeletal muscle can lead to insulin resistance and cancer risk and why it is beneficial for the immune system. The most under-appreciated organ responsible for metabolic control is also discussed in the episode, as well as the importance of transparency in science. Dr. Lyon provides recommendations for resistance training frequency and intensity and advises on post-workout protein for those who need it. She also touches upon the role dietary protein plays in longevity and survivability, making nutrient recommendations an important consideration. The episode concludes with the truth about fasted training and why mid-life is crucial for physical training.
LONGEVITY: Start Doing This To Build Muscle & LOSE WEIGHT!
Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life. However, the term “longevity” alone is not enough to promote good health. Instead, it’s essential to focus on building skeletal muscle as a form of body armor for your health. This is where a geriatrician like Dr. Gabrielle Lyon comes into play. In this episode of The Model Health Show, Dr. Lyon explains the importance of building skeletal muscle for health and longevity.
Why Skeletal Muscle is Integral for Survivability
Skeletal muscle plays an integral role in our overall survivability. Contrary to popular belief, skeletal muscle is so much more than just something we use to lift weights. Instead, it acts as body armor, protecting us from potential accidents or injuries that could be life-threatening.
The Connection Between Skeletal Muscle and Insulin Resistance
Insulin resistance is a common issue that many people face, which is a condition where the body can’t process insulin effectively. Resistance training can help to improve insulin sensitivity, promoting the uptake of glucose and reducing the need for insulin production.
The Importance of Building Skeletal Muscle for the Immune System
Skeletal muscle is also essential for the immune system. Building muscle can enhance the body’s ability to combat infections and illnesses, as it can produce more immune cells that promote overall health.
The Role of Dietary Protein in Longevity and Survivability
Protein plays an essential role in building and maintaining skeletal muscle. While it may be easy to focus on achieving protein recommendations, it’s important to consider the quality and source of the protein consumed.
Dr. Lyon’s Recommendations for Resistance Training Frequency and Intensity
Dr. Lyon advises that resistance training frequency and intensity should be closely matched to the individual’s goals and training experience. For beginners, it’s important to start slowly and build up to more advanced training to avoid fatigue or injury.
Who Should Utilize Post-Workout Protein?
While protein is essential for building skeletal muscle and maintaining good health, Dr. Lyon notes that not everyone needs to supplement with post-workout protein. Athletes or individuals with high levels of physical activity may benefit from post-workout protein supplements.
The Importance of Transparency in Science
Transparency in science is essential for accurate research and reporting. As a scientist, Dr. Lyon emphasizes the importance of publishing research findings and being upfront about funding or conflicts of interest.
In conclusion, building skeletal muscle is crucial for good health and longevity. The body’s ability to combat disease and infections, as well as maintain insulin sensitivity, is directly related to skeletal muscle mass. With proper resistance training, dietary protein intake, and transparency in science, we can all work towards a healthier, longer life.
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Source Description
LONGEVITY: Start Doing This To Build Muscle & LOSE WEIGHT! | Dr. Gabrielle Lyon
In this episode you’ll discover:
* What a geriatrician is.
* The problem with the term longevity.
* Why skeletal muscle is integral for survivability.
* How your skeletal muscle acts as body armor.
* The connection between skeletal muscle and insulin resistance.
* How body composition and cancer risk are linked.
* Why building skeletal muscle is beneficial for the immune system.
* The most under-appreciated organ responsible for metabolic control.
* Why lack of skeletal muscle is the root of disease.
* What interleukin 6 is.
* The truth about fasted training.
* Why training is so important in mid-life.
* The role dietary protein plays in longevity and survivability.
* What to consider when looking at nutrient recommendations.
* The importance of transparency in science.
* Dr. Lyon’s recommendations for resistance training frequency and intensity.
* What types of folks should utilize post-workout protein.
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