Build a Multi-Million Dollar Business: Daymond John’s Expertise

Build a Multi-Million Dollar Business: Daymond John’s Expertise

Summary of Transcript:
The video features an interview with Damon John, focusing on the ideas presented in his book “PowerShift.” He emphasizes the importance of taking control of one’s own life and not relying on others to make things happen. John believes that mental chains are the hardest to break and that success requires a mindset of personal responsibility and determination. He encourages people to take inventory of their successes, failures, and assets, and to work hard to achieve their goals. John rejects the idea of giving people a pass because of external factors, citing his own experience as a black, dyslexic man who has faced many challenges but has still achieved success.

Summary of Description:
Daymond John, CEO of FUBU clothing empire, shares his practical advice and wisdom on negotiation, affordable steps for entrepreneurs, and seeking out new mentors in this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu. He emphasizes the importance of taking charge of one’s own destiny, knowing oneself before getting married, becoming financially literate, and nurturing relationships in negotiation. Daymond also shares his personal challenges and the traits he seeks in employees.

How Daymond John Became a Self-Made Billionaire

Daymond John, a self-made billionaire and fashion mogul, has made a name for himself in the business world. In a recent interview with Tom Bilyeu on Impact Theory, Daymond John shared the practical advice and wisdom that has made him incredibly successful. In this article, we will break down the key takeaways from the interview and how Daymond John turned a $40 budget into a $6 billion dollar empire.

No One Is Going to Save You

Daymond John believed that no one is going to save you or get you off the couch. According to him, you have to take control of your life and own your destiny. He emphasises the importance of taking responsibility for your life and pushing yourself beyond your limits to achieve your dreams.

Take Inventory of Your Life

To achieve your dreams, you have to take inventory of your life. Daymond John suggests that you write your own obituary and reflect on what you want to achieve in life. This helps you understand yourself, your goals, and what you want to leave behind.

Overcoming Difficulties

Daymond faced several difficulties in his life, including dyslexia, but he learned to overcome them. He credits his mother for instilling discipline and pushing him to take ownership of his life. He believes that you can overcome any problem if you set your mind to it.

Challenging Yourself

Daymond John knew what he didn’t want out of life and decided to challenge himself. He believes that pushing yourself beyond your limits can improve your life in ways you can’t imagine. The key is to take affordable steps towards your goals and seek out the right mentors.

Finding New Mentors

Daymond John strongly advocates for finding new mentors. He believes that great mentors can help you navigate the business world and provide you with valuable advice. John suggests that you find someone who has already achieved what you want to achieve and learn from them.

Becoming Financially Literate

Daymond John recommends that young people become financially literate and learn to code. He believes that these skills will be invaluable in the future. He also suggests that you educate yourself through books, podcasts, and other sources of information.

Affordable Steps

Daymond John strongly advocates taking what he calls “affordable steps.” This means taking small but significant steps towards your goals without putting yourself in financial jeopardy. John believes that this approach can help you achieve your dreams without sabotaging your financial stability.

Traits of Successful Employees

According to Daymond John, successful employees have the ability to adapt, learn, and think outside the box. He believes that these traits are essential for any business. Whenever he hires a new employee, he looks for these qualities.

The Art of Negotiation

Daymond John breaks down how negotiation works, starting with figuring out what’s in it for the other person. He suggests nurturing the relationship and having empathy for everyone involved in the negotiation process.


Daymond John’s success story is an inspiration to many. He believes that you can achieve anything you want by taking affordable steps, seeking out mentors, and challenging yourself. By following his principles, you too can achieve your dreams and become successful.


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Source Description
CEO Daymond John turned a forty dollar budget into the 6 billion dollar FUBU clothing empire. This is a man who grew up in Hollis, Queens, who didn’t see anyone who he could call a role model in the world of fashion, and who was told he would never amount to anything. So when he says, “If I could do it, you can do it”, he knows what he’s talking about.

On this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Daymond John shares the practical advice and no-nonsense wisdom that has made him incredibly successful. He discusses the three critical steps to negotiation, advises entrepreneurs to take what he calls “affordable steps”, and strongly advocates constantly seeking out new mentors.


Daymond explains that no one is going to save you or even get you off the couch [1:23]
Daymond suggests that you write your own obituary and really take inventory [3:12]
Daymond shares the difficulties he has overcome in his own life [5:59]
Daymond’s mother always disciplined him and pushed him to own his own destiny [8:31]
Daymond knew what he didn’t want out of life, so he challenged himself [14:36]
Daymond strongly advocates constantly finding new mentors [18:11]
Daymond suggests knowing who you truly are before getting married [22:04]
Daymond describes the methods his mother used to educate herself [22:56]
Daymond suggests young people become financially literate and learning coding [25:03]
Daymond strongly advocates that people take what he calls “affordable steps” [26:55]
Entrepreneurship was hard for Daymond because he didn’t see black people in that role [30:43]
Daymond describes the traits he seeks in employees [35:35]
Daymond breaks down how negotiation works [37:32]
Daymond explains what you should do if you want to work with someone like him [40:25]
The key to negotiation is to figure out what’s in it for the other person [42:58]
The final part of negotiation is nurturing the relationship [45:10]
You need to have empathy for everyone you are negotiating with [47:11]


“I’ve met people that are more successful than me, that had it harder than me.” [8:02]

“I’m in charge of my own destiny.” [12:18]

“When I see really, truly successful entrepreneurs, they failed six or seven or eight times.” [30:20]