Beat Anger & Help: Danny Trejo | Impact Theory

Beat Anger & Help: Danny Trejo | Impact Theory

Summary of Transcript:
Danny Trejo, a well-known actor and author, discusses his journey from being a convict to an icon in an interview with Tom Bilyeu on Impact Theory. Trejo talks about his tough upbringing with minimal love and his association with gangs and criminal activities, leading to prison sentences. His uncle Gilbert, who taught him how to fight and defend himself, was also a drug addict and armed robber. Trejo attributes his boxing skills to his popularity in prison, where he became a dominant figure. However, he realized that being a big fish in a small pond was not the way to live, and he had to change his ways to become a better person. Trejo talks about the importance of having a positive mindset and helping others whenever possible, which is his motto for life.

Summary of Description:
The article discusses how individuals can shift their mindset and take control of their lives by being self-aware and deciding how they want to respond to situations. It highlights the importance of Viktor Frankl’s quote, “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” The article offers Danny Trejo’s new book, Trejo, as an example of how someone can overcome a difficult past and inspire others to realize their potential. Trejo’s story shows how it doesn’t matter where one starts in life, it only matters how they respond. The article also includes quotes from Danny Trejo about his experiences with prison, rehabilitation, and helping others.

From Prison to Hollywood: Danny Trejo’s Incredible Story of Redemption and Self-Awareness

Introduction: Danny Trejo
Actor and Hollywood icon Danny Trejo has recently released his memoir, Trejo. His story is a testament to how anyone can change their life around, no matter where they come from or how they started. Trejo joins today’s discussion to share some of the stories from his memoir and inspire others to make a mental shift and see what is possible.

Prison Boxing Champ
Trejo’s life did not start easy. He grew up in a loveless household and ended up in prison as a young man. However, he found his calling as a boxer, which gave him purpose and a way to survive in prison. He even became the prison boxing champ, but he knew he didn’t want to continue living this life.

Surviving Prison Life
Trejo shares that surviving prison life is about making a critical decision. “There’s only two kinds of people in prison, there’s predator, and there’s prey, and you have to figure I’m gonna be a predator, or you’ll be prey.” He knew he had to be a predator to survive, but he also knew that he did not want to continue this lifestyle.

Mentored by a Fighter
Trejo credits a fellow inmate, a former boxer, for mentoring him and showing him that he could turn his life around. He encouraged Trejo to stay away from drugs and keep working on himself. This was the first step towards self-awareness for Trejo.

Rehabilitated and Grateful
After serving time in prison, Trejo got sober and started working on himself. He went on to get involved in the movie industry and is now an accomplished actor. He is grateful for every opportunity he has had and acknowledges that he is still a work in progress.

Book of Confession
Trejo’s new memoir, Trejo, is a book of confession. He shares all the mistakes he has made in his life and how he has learned from them. He says, “Remember that you’re only sick as your secrets.” By being honest and transparent, he hopes to inspire others to do the same and take control of their lives.

Recipe for Redemption
Trejo’s recipe for redemption is simple: take control of your life, stay sober, and help others. He believes that by helping others, he has been able to heal himself and become a better person.

Rebuilding Damaged Reputation
Trejo acknowledges that he has made mistakes in the past that have damaged his reputation. However, he believes that the most important thing is to take responsibility for your actions and work towards making things right.

Importance of Helping Others
Trejo believes that the most fulfilling thing in life is to help others. He often spends his time giving back to his community and helping those in need. He knows that he is lucky to have overcome his struggles and wants to use his platform to inspire others to do the same.

Legacy of an Icon
Danny Trejo’s legacy is one of redemption and self-awareness. He has overcome incredible odds and inspires others to do the same. His message is simple: anyone can change their life around, no matter where they come from or how they started. It’s about taking control of your life and making a mental shift to see what is possible.

Danny Trejo’s story is a powerful reminder that we are all capable of incredible things. By taking control of our lives, being self-aware, and helping others, we can achieve anything we set our minds to. It doesn’t matter where we come from or how we start in life—it only matters how we decide to respond. As Viktor Frankl says, “In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”


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Source Description
So many people are easily trapped in the stories of their lives. Falling victim and feeling helpless is not about being weak or strong, but it is about self-awareness and making a mental shift to see what is possible. Stepping back and asking yourself, what is in your control and deciding how you want to respond is critical. Viktor Frankl says in his book, Man’s Search for Meaning, “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Danny Trejo, an actor and Hollywood Icon, joins me today to discuss a few of the stories from his new memoir, Trejo. Hearing these stories should remind you that it never matters where you are or how you start in life, it only matters how you decide to respond. Yes it’s hard, yes all excuses and reasons you have to not try and give up are valid, but ultimately the choice is yours to make. Danny’s story is beyond inspiring when you see someone come from a mindset and situation that consumes and devours over 90% of the people engulfed in that life. Which really means, anything is possible and your potential is nearly limitless.

Order Danny Trejo’s new book, Trejo:

0:00 | Introduction Danny Trejo
1:12 | Prison Boxing Champ
2:28 | Loveless Household
3:08 | Mentored by a Fighter
5:56 | Surviving Prison Life
9:14 | Rehabilitated & Grateful
10:19 | Book of Confession
12:38 | Recipe for Redemption
13:56 | Rebuilding Damaged Reputation
17:15 | Importance of Helping Others
22:13 | Bottomline of Argument
24:19 | Legacy of an Icon

“I got a couple of scars from what I wasn’t quick enough to duck. But you know what, it really showed me that I didn’t want to get hit.” [2:04]

“I’ve realized about prison, it’s easy to be a big fish in a little pond” [6:00]

“There’s only two kinds of people in prison, there’s predator, and there’s prey, and you have to figure I’m gonna be a predator, or you’ll be prey.” [6:31]

“Remember that you’re only sick as your secrets” [13:36]

Follow Danny Trejo:

Tom Bilyeu,Impact Theory,ImpactTheory,TomBilyeu,Inside Quest,InsideQuest,Tom Bilyou,Theory Impact,motivation,inspiration,talk show,interview,motivational speech,Danny Trejo,Trejo,life after prison,hollywood actor,ex-convict,escaping gangs,boxing champion,rebuilding a broken life,helping others,credibility,redemption,redemption story,starting over,Mexican-American,drug addiction,recovering addict,drug use,AA,alcoholic anonymous,celebrity memoir,actor


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