Fix Your Mouth & Health with Trina Felber

Fix Your Mouth & Health with Trina Felber

1. Trina Felber’s Fix Your Mouth/Fix Your Health approach focuses on the connection between oral health and overall well-being.
2. This approach emphasizes the importance of a healthy oral microbiome and its impact on the body’s metabolism and insulin sensitivity.
3. Through natural dental care and lifestyle changes, Trina Felber’s method aims to improve oral health, prevent metabolic diseases, and enhance overall vitality.
4. The Fix Your Mouth/Fix Your Health program offers practical tips and strategies to optimize oral health and achieve overall wellness.
5. Trina Felber’s expertise in dentistry, nutrition, and holistic wellness makes the Fix Your Mouth/Fix Your Health method unique and compelling.

Have you ever considered the link between oral health and overall well-being? It may seem like an odd connection, but our mouths play a significant role in our body’s vitality and metabolic health. Trina Felber, a renowned expert in dentistry, nutrition, and holistic wellness, has developed a groundbreaking approach called Fix Your Mouth/Fix Your Health, which delves into this fascinating connection and offers remarkable insights into improving our health from the inside out.

Felber’s approach is based on the understanding that our oral health is intricately connected to our body’s metabolism and insulin sensitivity. This mind-blowing concept challenges conventional wisdom and opens new pathways for optimal well-being. Let’s explore the unique and fascinating aspects of the Fix Your Mouth/Fix Your Health method.

The cornerstone of Felber’s approach lies in maintaining a healthy oral microbiome. Think of the microbiome as a vast community of microorganisms in our mouths. These microorganisms, consisting of bacteria, fungi, and viruses, are crucial in maintaining oral health.

What’s truly remarkable is that the health of our oral microbiome can impact our body’s metabolic processes and insulin sensitivity. Research suggests that imbalances in the oral microbiome can contribute to developing metabolic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular problems.

So, how can we achieve a healthy oral microbiome and reap the benefits for our overall well-being? Felber’s Fix Your Mouth/Fix Your Health program provides practical solutions that are surprisingly easy to implement.

One essential aspect of this program is natural dental care. Felber encourages using natural and non-toxic oral care products that support a healthy oral microbiome. This means avoiding harsh chemical-laden toothpaste, mouthwash, and other dental products that can disrupt the delicate balance of our oral microbiome.

Instead, Felber recommends using natural alternatives such as herbal tooth powders, remineralizing toothpaste, and essential oil-based mouth rinses. These products help to nourish our oral microbiome, preserving its diversity and promoting a healthy bacterial balance.

In addition to natural dental care, the Fix Your Mouth/Fix Your Health approach emphasizes the importance of a nourishing diet that supports optimal oral health and metabolic function. Felber advocates for a whole foods-based diet rich in nutrient-dense, unprocessed foods.

By consuming various fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains, our bodies have the necessary nutrients to support a healthy oral microbiome and optimal metabolic processes. This approach improves insulin sensitivity and promotes overall vitality and well-being.

Felber also highlights the significance of lifestyle factors such as stress management and regular physical activity in maintaining a healthy mouth and body. Chronic stress and sedentary lifestyles can negatively impact our oral microbiome and metabolic health, contributing to the development of metabolic diseases.

We can positively influence our oral health by incorporating stress reduction techniques, such as meditation, yoga, or engaging in hobbies. Similarly, regular physical activity improves blood flow, promotes a healthy metabolism, and supports a vibrant oral microbiome.

Trina Felber’s expertise in dentistry, nutrition, and holistic wellness makes the Fix Your Mouth/Fix Your Health method genuinely unique and compelling. Her in-depth understanding of the connections between oral health, metabolism, and overall well-being sets her apart as a leading authority in this field.

Through her Fix Your Mouth/Fix Your Health program, Felber provides practical strategies and insightful tips to transform oral health and enhance overall vitality. By adopting natural dental care, healthy food choices, stress management techniques, and regular physical activity, we can unlock the potential of our oral microbiome and achieve optimal health.

So, if you’re looking for an innovative approach that goes beyond traditional oral care and delves into the fascinating connections between oral health, metabolism, and overall well-being, Trina Felber’s Fix Your Mouth/Fix Your Health method is worth exploring. Discover the power of a healthy mouth and unlock your body’s full potential today!


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I am delighted to have the opportunity to connect with Trina Felber on the Everyday Wellness podcast! Trina is the Creator and CEO of Primal Life Organics, a premier, all-natural dental care company focusing on oral health as the gateway to internal health. She is a long-standing nurse anesthetist, a mom, and a wife.

Trina believes that the antiseptic products we use in our mouths do us more harm than good. She pivoted to become an oral health expert after more than 25 years as a registered nurse. She created natural products to biohack your dental health for more robust, cleaner, whiter teeth and improved overall health. There is so much value in what Trina has to share today! This episode will blow your mind and completely change your dental health and care perspective, so be sure to listen in!

To watch the full episode go here:

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This video is for educational and informational purposes and is solely a self-help tool. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems or illnesses without consulting your medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your medical practitioner and mental health provider about your specific health situation.