Reaching Your Next Life Level – Grant Cardone

Hey there, folks! Are you feeling stuck in life? Do you feel like you’re not making the progress you want? Let me tell you about a guy who knows exactly how you’re feeling. His name is Grant Cardone, and he’s a successful businessman who had to give up a lot to get to where he is now.

Grant was raised in a home where he depended heavily on his mother. When his father passed away, he became even more dependent on her. He would stay up at night, watching his mother ensure she was still breathing because he didn’t want to lose her too. He had a strong connection with women because of the women in his life who supported him through his struggles. His two older sisters were mentors and guided him when he was lost.

Grant knew he wasn’t ready to be a father, so he put his life’s dream first. He had to give up many things he had worked hard to get. He sold his house, left his little town where everyone knew him, and moved to Los Angeles. He even sold his prized possession, a house he couldn’t buy back if he wanted to. He went from having a house on the ocean to living in a tiny hotel room. He gave up everything to pursue his dreams.

This may sound extreme, but Grant’s story inspires anyone who wants to achieve their goals. To get somewhere new, you have to leave where you are. If you want to experience change, you must give up something you worked hard to get. Grant sacrificed a lot to get to where he is today, and he learned that you need to have people in your life who support you and can be your consultant.

So, what is holding you back? What things have you been holding on to that you think you need to keep? Write them down and evaluate if they are worth keeping. Are they keeping you from achieving your goals? Are you keeping them just because you worked hard to get them?

Remember, change is uncomfortable, but it is necessary. You must be willing to give up something to get where you want to be. It may be painful, but it’s worth it. So leap and chase your dreams. Build a support system of people who want the best for you and are willing to be your consultant.

In conclusion, Grant Cardone’s story reminds you that if you want to achieve great things, you must be willing to give up something. You have to get something new. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. Don’t let fear or the comfort of what you have held you back from chasing your dreams. Take the risk, make a change, and pursue your passions with everything you’ve got.


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Summary of Transcript:
In this video, the speaker talks about his sensitivity towards women due to his upbringing and his dependency on his mother, who helped raise him and his siblings after their father passed away. He also discusses the importance of being willing to give up something to achieve significant change in one’s life and shares his experiences of giving up things to reach his goals. The speaker encourages viewers to reflect on what they may need to let go of to move forward in their lives. He concludes by thanking his wife and the audience for having him at the event.

Summary of Description:
Changing often requires sacrifice, such as time, money, or relationships. Moving to Los Angeles allowed someone to find love and create a new life. Attendees are invited to learn about mindset and motivation at an upcoming event. This is not a solicitation to buy or sell securities, and investors should consult advisors before making any investment decisions.


Source Description
To go somewhere, you often have to give something up. With time, people, or money, often, if you try to maintain everything the same, everything stays the same. I had to give up my life in La Jolla to move to Los Angeles and find the woman of my dreams. If I didn’t change, I wouldn’t have the life I have today.

Learn more about mindset and motivation at my next live event. Click on the link below for a virtual seat.

#goals #inspire #change
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