We all know that sugar is not suitable for us. It causes weight gain, tooth decay, and various health problems. But what many people don’t realize is that sugar is also the primary cause of metabolic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s. The mitochondria, the energy factories within our cells, are susceptible to sugar and can be easily damaged, leading to various health problems.
As we mentioned earlier, the mitochondria produce energy within our cells. They convert fuel into energy with the help of oxygen. However, when our mitochondria become damaged due to excessive sugar consumption, they can no longer use oxygen properly. This creates a hypoxic, low-oxygen state that leads to the creation of reactive oxygen molecules damaging our cells. These molecules are called ROS, and they create a lot of complications and health problems.
One of the primary health problems caused by damaged mitochondria is metabolic disease. When we consume large amounts of sugar, we overwhelm our mitochondria, particularly those within our liver. Fructose in high-fructose corn syrup is particularly dangerous because the liver can only metabolize it. This can overwhelm the liver and lead to oxidative stress, creating complications such as diabetes and cancer.
When the mitochondria don’t work correctly, the cells can’t produce energy, which leads to inflammation and cell damage. The oxidative stress caused by damaged mitochondria can also lead to the mutation of cells. This happens in cancer, where normal cells mutate into cancer cells due to damaged mitochondria. Furthermore, when the mitochondria can’t produce enough fuel for the cells, this can lead to various health problems, including Alzheimer’s.
There’s also something called mitophagy, which is the recycling old, damaged cells. This is important because it allows the body to clean up damaged mitochondria and replace them with new, healthy ones. However, sugar inhibits this process and leads to a buildup of damaged protein in the bloodstream. This is called glycation, and it’s hazardous for diabetics.
Finally, excessive sugar consumption can lead to a deficiency of B1 or thiamine. B1 is crucial for the function of the mitochondria, but the more sugar we consume, the more B1 we need. This can lead to a depletion of B1 reserves, which can cause nerve damage, particularly in diabetics.
In conclusion, while we all know that sugar is bad for us, the effects of excessive sugar consumption on our mitochondria are particularly dire. Damage to the mitochondria can lead to various health problems, including metabolic disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and nerve damage. So the next time you’re tempted to consume sugar, remember just how dangerous it can be for your health.
Summary of Transcript:
The video discusses how sugar leads to dysfunctional mitochondria, which can cause metabolic diseases like cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and kidney and liver disease. Sugar also contributes to decreased mitophagy, inhibits the body’s ability to recycle damaged mitochondria, and leads to the glycation of proteins. The decreased ability to recycle damaged cells can lead to an increased risk of cancer, lactic acid buildup, and B1 deficiency, which can cause peripheral neuropathy. Consuming refined sugar is unnatural and lacks the protective mechanisms found in natural sources of sugar like fruit. Sugar overwhelms the liver and mitochondria, creating a hypoxic state that produces oxidative free radicals and other damaging molecules.
Summary of Description:
Consuming sugar and foods that quickly turn into sugar can harm mitochondria in the cells, leading to a cascade of health issues related to metabolic diseases. Besides common dangers like weight gain and dental decay, sugar can cause high cholesterol and candida infections. To improve mitochondria and overall health, there are options like exercising, intermittent fasting, reducing stress, and consuming nutrient-dense foods. It is essential to seek medical advice before making any significant dietary changes.
Source Description
Discover the horrifying truth about sugar.
DATA: https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna34258529
0:00 Introduction: The truth about sugar
0:32 The dangers of sugar
0:45 Side effects of sugar consumption
10:05 How to recover after sugar consumption
15:28 Learn more about the dangerous effects of sugar!
Let’s talk about the dangers of consuming sugar.
Here are a few commonly-known dangers of sugar consumption:
• Weight gain
• Dental decay
• Fatty liver
• High cholesterol
• Acne
• High blood pressure
• Candida infections
• Lowered immunity
However, sugar affects the body in more profound ways. Many people don’t know that most diseases are metabolic diseases, and metabolic diseases are related to mitochondrial dysfunction.
Many things destroy the mitochondria, but sugar and foods that quickly turn into sugar, like carbohydrates, are at the top of the list.
The effects of sugar on the mitochondria in the cells can set your body up for a cascade of health issues.
How to improve your mitochondria:
1. Go on the ketogenic diet
2. Exercise (HIIT)
3. Try cold therapy
4. Do intermittent fasting
5. Try high-altitude training
6. Reduce stress
7. Get plenty of sleep
8. Avoid alcohol
9. Consume foods high in phytonutrients
10. Consume nutrient-dense foods
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor specializing in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” about himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana. Still, he no longer practices chiropractic in any state. He does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose nor a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not change your health regimen or diet before consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the dangers of sugar. I’ll see you in the following video.