Joe Rogan’s Life-Changing Advice: What Was It?


Advice for Young Kids Living Through a Shitty Situation

Find Something You Enjoy

When young kids are living through a tough life, it can be difficult to find the motivation to keep going. One of the best pieces of advice is to find something you enjoy and to put your energy into it. This could be something like drawing, martial arts, or any other hobby that you are passionate about. Doing something you enjoy can help you to feel successful and give you a sense of accomplishment. It can also help you to develop a sense of confidence and understand the correlation between hard work and success.

Don’t Listen to Other People

It can be difficult to ignore the criticism or lack of faith from other people, but it is important to remember who you are and to push through. Even if your parents don’t support your interests, it is important to follow your own path and to find something that you are passionate about. This can help you to develop resilience and to understand that you can apply this to other areas of your life.

Advice for People in Their 50s

For people in their 50s, it can be tempting to settle down and relax after a difficult life. However, it is still possible to do something epic and to push yourself to achieve your goals. It is important to remember that if you are alive, you can always get better and to lean into whatever interests you. Even if you are in your 90s, there is still potential to apologize for wrongs, to reconcile relationships, and to shape your life in a positive way.

Physical Challenges are Mental Too

Physical challenges can be just as mentally beneficial as they are physically. Doing something difficult can help to nourish the mind and to push your own boundaries. It can also help to develop emotional intelligence and to understand the desire to quit and the inner strength that you can acquire from that.


No matter what age you are, it is important to remember that if you are alive, you can always get better. It is important to find something that you are passionate about and to put your energy into it. This could be anything from an art project to learning something completely new. Doing something difficult can help to nourish the mind and to push your own boundaries. It is also important to remember to not listen to other people and to follow your own path.


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