10X Health: Grant Cardone’s Issues Exposed

Today we’re diving into the fascinating world of Grant Cardone and his business partner, Gary Brecka, the dynamic duo at 10X Health. There’s a cube, grounding, alkalinity, and wisdom.

Picture this: Cardone and Brecka kicking off their chat with a lively game involving a cube. Because why not? It’s not your typical business meeting opener, but they’re unfamiliar businessmen. With the ice sufficiently broken, they dive into the meatier topics.

Brecka shares his journey of helping Cardone navigate health issues. And no, we’re not talking about popping pills or pumping iron. We’re talking about grounding and alkalinity. Sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, right? But no, it’s as accurate as the ground beneath our feet and as vital as the air we breathe.

Grounding, they explain, is all about physical contact with the Earth, a simple act that can help discharge excess charge from our bodies. It’s like we’re human batteries, and Mother Earth is our charging station, bringing balance and promoting health. Who knew wellness could be so down-to-earth, literally? So, ditch the rubber-soled shoes and feel the grass under your feet.

But the fun doesn’t stop there. They also dive into the world of alkalinity. In simple terms, it’s all about the pH of our bodies. Too acidic? Bad news. More alkaline? Excellent news. Brecka talks about how alkaline foods and drinks can help tip our bodies toward the healthier side of the pH scale. So, if you’re reaching for that soda, you might want to rethink and grab some lemon water instead.

Here’s a little story to illustrate this point. My Aunt Betty, a lover of all things sweet and fizzy, once embarked on a two-week ‘alkaline adventure’ on a dare. She replaced her beloved cola with cucumber water and her potato chips with celery sticks. Aunt Betty, usually as grumpy as a bear with a thorn in its paw, turned into a veritable ray of sunshine. Alkalinity? More like ‘aunt-kalinity’!

Finally, they delve into the growth of Streamline, Gary’s company, since Grant came on board. In an inspiring twist, Gary shares how he transitioned from working in the business to working on it. From being the mechanic under the hood to the driver at the wheel. The takeaway? Change your perspective, change your game.

So, there you have it. A conversation with Grant Cardone and Gary Brecka isn’t just a chat. It’s a whirlwind tour through health, business, and personal growth. A journey of grounding and alkalinity, of cubes and companies. And the best part? It’s like two friends, passionate about life, sharing their wisdom. So, folks, stay grounded, stay alkaline, and keep the conversation flowing. Cheers to health and hearty chats!


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Summary of Transcript:
In this YouTube video, Grant Cardone interviews Gary Brecka, his business partner at 10X Health. They start by playing a game with a cube, and then Gary talks about how he helped Grant’s health issues by teaching him about grounding and alkalinity. Gary explains that the body’s pH is a charge and how certain foods and drinks can make the body more or less acidic. They discuss how contact with the Earth can enable charge-discharge from the body, making it more alkaline. They also discuss how alkaline foods and drinks can help the body be healthier. Finally, they talk about how Gary’s company, Streamline, has grown since Grant acquired it and how he moved from working in the business to working on it.

Summary of Description:
The article discusses a health test developed by human biologist Gary Brecka and promoted by entrepreneur Dana White. White purchased Brecka’s company and made him a partner in 10X Health. This test looks deeper into an individual’s genetics to determine their health. Interested individuals can take the test by visiting https://10xhealthtest.com.


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#health #success #motivation

Want to take the test go to https://10xhealthtest.com

On this episode of Power Players, I have Gary Brecka. He is a human biologist and my partner in 10X Health. Gary’s work caught my eye a few years ago, and I believed so much in what he was doing that I bought his company and made him my partner. This guy’s work has changed my life.

If you are interested in what we are doing with 10X Health, go to https://10Xhealth.com

if you want to take the gene test that Dana White took, go to https://10xhealthtest.com.