Surviving and Thriving in 21st Century: 5 Lessons | Harari

Surviving and Thriving in 21st Century: 5 Lessons | Harari

Summary of Transcript:
The video discusses the use of bioengineering in Chinese history, specifically the castration of men to create eunuchs who would pose less of a threat to the emperor’s power. The dangers of genetic engineering and AI are also discussed, particularly the potential for these technologies to be used by oppressive governments or organizations to take away individual freedoms and privacy. The speaker emphasizes the need for international cooperation to regulate these technologies and protect individual rights.

Summary of Description:
Yuval Noah Hariri, a historian and professor of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is the guest in this episode of Impact Theory. Hariri discusses the impact of technology and algorithms on our daily lives, including our thoughts, emotions, decision-making processes, and identity. He highlights the threat of those who have access to all the information and how constructing our own stories can help us thrive in a world shaped by data, biotech, and algorithms. He also emphasizes the power of fantasies in shaping history and motivating people to do terrible things.

The Rise of Technology and its Impact on Humanity

Technology has been described as a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it has transformed humanity in ways we never imagined possible, disrupting entire industries and changing the way we interact with each other. On the other hand, it presents a host of challenges that threaten to undermine the very foundations of our modern society. In this exclusive video mini-series featuring Yuval Noah Harari, the renowned historian and professor of history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, we explore the future of jobs, democracy and humanity in a world shaped by data, biotech, algorithms and corruption.

The Threat of Technology

In the video, Yuval points out that technology has the potential to take power away from us, giving it to whoever holds all the information. The rise of social media, biotech, infotech has enabled the creation of algorithms that can understand us better than we understand ourselves. As a result, they are highly influencing our decisions, thoughts, and emotional state. This raises concerns about the manipulation and control of individuals by powerful entities. Yuval gives the example of somebody who has all the information of all the people, thereby having the power to control everybody.

Constructing Your Own Story

Yuval asserts that our identity is really just a story which we construct and embellish. The entire human mind is a machine that constantly produces stories, and one important story we tell ourselves is our own. Our identity is formed by the narrative we create about ourselves. It is essential to recognize the story we’re telling ourselves as many people are not aware that they are just telling themselves a story. This self-knowledge and self-awareness can be empowering as it changes the way we see ourselves and our place in the world.

Understanding Power and How it Corrupts

Power has been identified as one of the main issues affecting humanity. Yuval points out that people don’t fight about objective biological things, but rather they fight about fantasies in their minds. Therefore, it is important to understand how power works and affects the way people think and act. Those in power are susceptible to corruption and can be easily swayed by their fantasies, leading to terrible things. This understanding is important for those who aspire to be leaders and those who seek to hold people in power accountable.

The Three Principles You Need to Thrive in the Future

Yuval highlights three principles that are essential for individuals to thrive in the future. The first is education, which involves learning new skills, staying informed and adaptable. The second is resilience, the ability to handle setbacks and keep going. And finally, it’s the importance of empathy, understanding other people’s perspective and being able to communicate and connect with them. By embracing these principles, individuals can be better equipped to face the challenges of an ever-changing world.


Technology is shaping the future in ways we never imagined possible. Therefore, it’s important for individuals to be aware of the potential threats posed by technology and take measures to protect themselves. Furthermore, individuals should take control of their narratives, understand how power works and strive to thrive in an ever-evolving world. The insights shared by Yuval Noah Harari in this exclusive video mini-series provide valuable advice for individuals who want to navigate the future successfully.


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On Today’s Episode:

The future of jobs, democracy and humanity are constantly changing and constantly being threatened with the rise of technology. With the rise of social media, biotech, and infotech covering everything from your social life, your online life, to your healthcare, algorithms and artificial intelligence are inescapable and highly influencing your decisions, thoughts and emotional state.

Yuval Noah Hariri is best known for the profound and influential work he did giving a complete overview of human history in his bestseller, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. Yuval looks at how technology and cultural beliefs impact human progress.

Yuval is a historian and professor of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the co-founder of the social impact company Sapienship. In this episode with Yuval, we’re forced to question, what are the real issues we’re facing as humanity?

Even more importantly, are you prepared to survive and thrive in this world shaped by data, biotech, algorithms, and corruption?

Yuval and Tom explores ideas around
Constructing your own story
Understanding power and how it corrupts
3 principles you need to thrive future

Yuval Hariri thoughts:

“It’s the first time that we invent something that can take power away from us, […] every previous invention in history gave more power to humans.”

“Somebody that has all the information of all the people, they basically control everybody.”

“Humans don’t really fight about objective biological things, […] they fight about fantasies in their mind.”
“When info-tech merges with biotech what you get is the ability to create algorithms that understand me better than I understand myself.”

“Our identity is really just a story which we constantly construct and embellish. The entire human mind is a machine that constantly produces stories, and especially one very important story, which is my story.”

“Fantasies often shape history and cause people to do terrible things.”

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