High-fat Pregnancy Diet Yields Surprising Results

High-fat Pregnancy Diet Yields Surprising Results

Summary of Scientists Discover Surprising Consequence of a High-Fat Diet During Pregnancy:
A study by Tokyo Medical and Dental University has found that offspring exposed to high-fat diets during gestation and early life exhibit a preference for salty tastes due to increased AT1 protein and gene expression in taste buds, which could impact obesity and diet-related health issues. The protein and gene expression of Angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT1) in the taste buds of female offspring exposed to a high-fat diet is increased three weeks after birth. AT1 relates to salty taste perception, and increasing AT1 in the offspring’s taste bud cells affects taste preference by increasing sodium intake. The researchers used a rat model to investigate the effect on taste preference of a two-generational exposure to a high-fat diet.

High-Fat Diets During Pregnancy Can Affect Offspring’s Taste Preferences

Maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy is a crucial aspect of a healthy pregnancy. A diet high in fat during pregnancy can severely affect metabolism, increasing the risk of obesity, diabetes, liver disease, and cancer. Recent studies have shown that consuming high levels of fat during pregnancy can also affect the taste preferences and metabolism of the offspring.

Mothers who consume a high-fat diet during pregnancy are likelier to feed their children with similar fatty foods. The researchers from Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) aimed to uncover the consequences of exposing offspring to high-fat levels during pregnancy and early life.

Rat Model Used to Investigate the Effect of High-Fat Diet

The researchers used a rat model to investigate the effect of two-generational exposure to a high-fat diet on taste preference. Pregnant and lactating females were fed a high-fat diet, while a control group received a standard diet. After weaning, the offspring from each group received the same diet – babies from mothers fed a high-fat diet during pregnancy. Those fed a regular diet continued receiving a high-fat and a normal diet, respectively.

Offspring from the high-fat diet groups gained more weight and consumed more energy than their counterparts from the standard diet groups. To determine taste preferences, the researchers tested the animal preference for the five basic tastes: bitter, sour, salty, sweet, and umami, using a two-bottle challenge, in which two bottles – one containing water and the other one water with taste – were added to the rat cage. Offspring exposed to a high-fat diet during gestation and early life preferred salty water. In contrast, they showed no specific preference for the other tastes compared to the standard diet group.

Increased AT1 Protein Linked to Salty Taste Preferences

The researchers investigated the levels of proteins involved in perceiving the salty taste. “The protein and gene expression of AT1 increased in the taste buds of female offspring exposed to a high-fat diet. This happened as early as three weeks after birth,” explains Saranya Serirukchutarungsee, lead author of the study. “AT1 is known to be associated with a preference for salty taste, and evidence suggests that it is likely that AT1 affects the taste preference by increasing sodium intake in taste bud cells.”

Better Understanding of Offspring’s Eating Behavior and Taste Preferences

The Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) theory refers to the concept that maternal and environmental variables at a very early life stage can influence a child’s growth, development, and health in later life. When considering the strong links between poor diet and poor health, a better understanding of the programming of offspring’s eating behavior and taste preferences is vital.

This study provides a crucial first step that can lead to further studies to reduce the risk of developing obesity and diet-linked diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, in offspring and subsequent generations. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, JAPAN, and the Japanese Orthodontic Society funded the study.

In conclusion, the study by TMDU reveals that offspring exposed to high-fat diets during gestation and early life exhibit a preference for salty tastes, possibly due to increased AT1 protein and gene expression in taste buds, potentially affecting obesity and other diet-related health issues. This study highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy to ensure the health of both the mother and the offspring.

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