Summary of Water Fast

Summary of Water Fast

Summary of Transcript:
Dr. Julie from Serendipity Chiropractic talks about her recent 17-day fast and how she broke her fast on day 18, which was a little rough for her. She didn’t sleep well, woke up early, and had bone broth, which became heavy and fatty. Despite that, she feels better on day 19, and her bowels are improving toward normal. She also shares that she had a rash that she thinks is purging from her liver. Although it was a little hard for her to break the fast, the final day was no problem, and she was energetic. She will consider doing a shorter fast, maybe a seven-day fast, in the future. Finally, she recommends Dr. Don Klum on Facebook as an expert on fasting and can help you if you’re interested in guided fasting.

Summary of Description:
Dr. Julie Restad of Serendipity Chiropractic in Middleton, Idaho, recently completed an 18-day water fast and has shared a recap of her experience. She noted that the first few days were challenging as she experienced some hunger and headaches, but by day four, she felt a shift and had more clarity and focus. Restad also reported feeling more energy and an overall sense of calm during the fast. She cautioned that water fasting should only be done under the guidance of a trained practitioner, as it can be risky for those with certain health conditions.

Dr. Julie Restad’s 18-Day Water Fast: A Recap

Dr. Julie Restad, a chiropractor at Serendipity Chiropractic in Middleton, Idaho, recently completed an 18-day water fast. In this video, she recaps her experience and shares some of the benefits she gained from the fast.

Benefits of Water Fasting

Water fasting has been practiced for centuries to detoxify the body and promote health. Dr. Restad explains that fasting for an extended period allows the body to go into a state of autophagy, where it breaks down and recycles damaged cells. This can lead to various health benefits, including improved digestion and increased energy.

Challenges of Water Fasting

While water fasting can have many benefits, it can also be challenging. Dr. Restad notes that one of the most difficult aspects of the fast was dealing with cravings and hunger pangs. She also experienced some detox symptoms, such as headaches and fatigue, during the first few days of the fast.

Dr. Restad emphasizes that water fasting should not be undertaken lightly but only under medical supervision. People with certain health conditions, such as diabetes or kidney problems, should not attempt a water fast.

Support During the Fast

Dr. Restad credits her support system with helping her complete the fast. She had a friend doing a water fast simultaneously, which provided motivation and accountability. She also received support from her chiropractic colleagues and patients, who were curious about her experience and offered encouragement.

Results of the Fast

Despite the challenges, Dr. Restad experienced numerous benefits from her 18-day water fast. She reports that her digestion has improved, she has more energy, and her mental clarity has increased. She also notes that she lost weight during the fast, and her skin looks clearer and brighter.

Dr. Restad emphasizes that the fast’s benefits were physical, spiritual, and emotional. She gained a new appreciation for the importance of self-care and listening to her body’s needs. She also found that the fast helped her to let go of attachments to food and cultivate a more mindful approach to eating.


Dr. Restad’s experience with water fasting highlights this practice’s challenges and benefits. While it can be difficult, fasting for an extended period can help the body detoxify and promote overall health. It is essential to approach water fast with caution, under medical supervision, and have a support system. With the right mindset and preparation, a water fast can be a transformative experience that improves physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being.


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Dr. Julie Restad of Serendipity Chiropractic in Middleton, Idaho, provides a recap following her 18-day water fast.


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