Summary of New Study Indicates That Socializing Could Extend Your Lifespan:
A study involving over 28,000 Chinese individuals indicates that regular social interaction may lengthen the lifespan of older adults, with socializing almost every day is the most beneficial for longevity. This is especially significant as the number of individuals aged 60 or above worldwide is predicted to double by 2050. The researchers suggest promoting strategies for very older adults to maintain an active social life. Social activity may enhance healthy behaviors, mitigate the impact of chronic stressors, and serve as an independent predictor for overall survival. Socializing may also delay the onset of certain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s.
Socializing Almost Every Day May Help Prolong Life For Older Adults, Study Finds
A recent study published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health has found that frequent socializing may extend the lifespan of older people, with socializing almost every day is the most beneficial for longevity. The research suggests promoting strategies for very older adults to maintain an active social life. Social activity may enhance healthy behaviors, mitigate the impact of chronic stressors, and serve as an independent predictor for overall survival.
The Importance of Social Life for Active Aging
Researchers have emphasized the importance of an active social life as a key element. With the number of individuals aged 60 or above worldwide reaching 962 million in 2017 and predicted to double by 2050, the concept of “active” or “successful” aging is increasingly significant. However, most evidence on the health benefits of socializing is based on people in Western countries, with little published data on those in Asia.
Chinese Study Examines Socializing And Survival Rates Among Older Adults
To bridge the knowledge gap, researchers of the recent study set out to explore whether the frequency of socializing might be linked to overall survival among a relatively large group of older citizens living independently in China. The study involved over 28,000 Chinese individuals who participated in the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey, which began in 1998 and is an ongoing, prospective, nationally representative study of older people living independently.
The Benefits of Socializing Almost Every Day
The study shows that the more frequently an older person engages in social activities, the greater the likelihood of living longer. The threshold where socializing every day was associated with significantly longer survival was evident. Only mixing almost every day was linked to a delayed time to death by 204% after five years after the start of the observational study.
Factors Associated with Social Activity and Longevity
Factors associated with being more socially active were male sex, younger age, higher education, marriage, living in a town/city with relatives, and actual/self-rated good health. Social activity appeared even more strongly associated with the oldest’s extended survival within the first five years, suggesting that promoting strategies to maintain an active social life in very older adults could significantly benefit them.
The study proves how important an active social life is for prolonging life, especially for the elderly. While this observational study cannot establish the cause, the researchers suggest that socializing in older age might extend survival by enhancing healthy behaviors, such as more physical activity and a better diet. Socializing may also mitigate the impact of chronic stressors. The researchers recommend strategies to promote the maintenance of a busy social life, specifically for very older adults.
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