Dual Brain Thinking & Feeling: New Science – Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor

Dual Brain Thinking & Feeling: New Science – Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor

Summary of Transcript:
In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dave Asprey interviews Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, a neuroscientist a, and author of the book “My Stroke of Insight.” Dr. Taylor discusses her stroke experience and how it helped her learn more about the brain and the four distinct modes of brain cells that make up who we are. She also shares her insights on recovering from brain injuries and discusses her new book, “Whole Brain Living.” Ultimately, the conversation is about what it means to be a functional human and how our brains shape our perception of reality.

Summary of Description:
Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, a Harvard-trained neuroscientist, had a stroke that led her to discover the intricacies of the brain and the impact it has on personality. Research has shown that emotional limbic tissue is evenly divided between both hemispheres, meaning each hemisphere has bo emotional and thinking brain. The left hemisphere defines individuality w, while the right processes everything through a dynamic and non-linear lens. This paradigm can lead to whole-brain living, effectively utilizing both hemispheres.


When Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor was 37, she had a stroke that completely shut down the left hemisphere of her brain. Her eight-year recovery led her to some of the greatest discoveries of what our brains can do.

Dr. Jill is a Harvard-trained and published neuroscientist and neuroanatomist with a broad area of brain expertise. She’s also known for her TETED talks since her stroke: My Stroke of Insight and The Right Brain vs. Left Brain Experience.

In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, we’re talking about her personal journey, insights, and new research.

For 50 years, we’ve been trained to believe that our right brain hemisphere is our emotional brain, while our left brain houses our rational thinking. Now neuroscience shows that it’s not that simple. InOurmotional limbic tissue is evenly divided between our two hemispheres. This means each hemisphere has both an emotional brain and a thinking brain.

To put it simply, the left brain defines your individuality. There’s a group of cells working to take in more information to determine your constantly right brain processes everything through an emotional and not-so-linear lens, telling us we are as big, open, and expansive as the universe.

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Source Description
How a paradigm that marries your psychology with your brain anatomy shapes your personality and creates the ole brain is living.
When Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor was 37, she had a stroke that completely shut down the left hemisphere of her brain. Her eight-year recovery led her to some of the greatest discoveries of what our brains can do.

Dr. Jill is a Harvard-trained and published neuroscientist and neuroanatomist with a broad area of brain expertise. She’s also well known for her TED talks since her stroke: My Stroke of Insight and The Right Brain vs. Left Brain Experience.

In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, we’re talking about her journey, insights, and new research.

For 50 years, we’ve been trained to believe that our right brain hemisphere is our emotional brain, while our left brain houses our rational thinking. Now neuroscience shows that it’s not that simple. InOurmotional limbic tissue is evenly divided between our two hemispheres. This means each hemisphere has both an emotional brain and a thinking brain.

To put it simply, the left brain defines your individuality. There’s a group of cells working to take in more information to determine you constantly. The right brain processes everything through an emotional and not-so-linear lens, telling us we are as big, open, and expansive as the universe.

Connect with Dave Asprey!

Website: https://daveasprey.com
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Daveaspreyof…
Twitter: https://twitter.com/daveasprey
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/daveaspreybpr

The Human Upgrade Podcast: https://www.instagram.com/thehumanupg… and https://m.facebook.com/Thehumanupgrade/


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