Overcoming Resistance: Tips & Strategies.

Overcoming Resistance: Tips & Strategies.

Summary of Creating When You Feel Resistance:
The author notes that many of us let resistance drive our actions when facing difficult or unknown tasks. However, we can learn to stay in the resistance and transform it into creativity and action by setting aside time for the task, being present with the feeling of resistance, and using the energy it brings to create something new. With practice, staying in the unknown can lead to discovering our deepest creations and excitement about what might be unearthed.

How to Transform Resistance into Creativity and Action

Do you find yourself constantly avoiding tasks that are difficult, scary, or unknown? Do you let resistance drive your actions, feeling overwhelmed and uncertain? It’s normal to feel this way, but what if you could learn to stay present with the resistance and transform it into creativity and action? In this article, we’ll explore how to overcome resistance and unlock your deepest potential.

Set Aside Time for Resistance

The first step to transforming resistance is to set aside time for it. We often find ourselves too busy to make time for the things we’re resisting, but this only perpetuates the problem. Take 15 minutes in the morning to sit with your resistance, to feel it, and to acknowledge it. By setting aside time, you are committing yourself fully to the task and taking ownership of your emotions and actions.

Stay Present with Resistance

Once you’ve set aside time for resistance, it’s important to stay present with it. Our resistance wants to drive us away, so it’s essential to learn to be mindful and stay present with the feeling of resistance. Sit still for a minute and let yourself feel the sensation of resistance in your body. Don’t judge your thoughts or feelings, but simply notice and be with the sensation. With practice, you’ll learn that it’s not a big deal and that you can stay mindfully present with the feeling of resistance.

Transform Resistance into Creativity and Action

Once you’ve learned to stay present with resistance, it’s time to transform it into creativity and action. Our resistance is just energy, and it can be harnessed and used to fuel our creativity and discovery. What can you create in this space of resistance? Can you let yourself stay curious and explore? By staying open and curious, you can uncover your deepest creativity and potential. It’s important to recognize that you are not the inventor of your creations, but the discoverer of them.

Unlock Your Deepest Potential

By learning to stay present with resistance and transform it into creativity and action, you can unlock your deepest potential. Our resistance is often driven by fear and uncertainty, but by acknowledging it and staying present with it, we can learn to let it go and move forward in a positive direction. Creativity and innovation thrive in the unknown, so by staying present with our resistance, we can uncover new ideas and insights. It’s time to let go of the resistance and embrace the magic of creation.


Resistance is a natural part of the creative process, but it doesn’t have to drive our actions. By setting aside time for resistance, staying present with it, and transforming it into creativity and action, we can unlock our deepest potential and create something truly meaningful. It’s time to embrace the unknown and let go of our fears and uncertainties. What might emerge if you stay open and curious in the face of resistance? It’s time to find out.

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