Find Motivation: Watch David Goggins

Find Motivation: Watch David Goggins

Summary of Transcript:
The video features a conversation between Joe Rogan and David Goggins about his experiences in Navy SEAL training and his mindset during difficult times. Goggins discusses the power he found in the darkness and how he uses it as a tool to push through pain and discomfort. He also encourages people to thicken their skin and not fear the mirror’s reflection. Goggins emphasizes mental toughness and discipline as keys to pushing through challenges and achieving success. Goggins believes the younger generation is weaker and more likely to quit, but if he were growing up today, he would have a field day taking their souls.

Summary of Description:
The content promotes Lisa’s new book, Radical Confidence, which teaches 10 life lessons to help readers become the hero of their own life. It also recommends a free workshop for unmotivated or unsure about achieving their goals. The post then discusses David Goggins’ approach to mental toughness, discipline, and being hardcore and summarizes his podcast episode on the subject. Goggins emphasizes the importance of facing darkness and insecurities with radical honesty to achieve proper growth and success.

Achieving Radical Confidence: Lessons from David Goggins

David Goggins is a former Navy Seal, ultra-marathon runner, and athlete who has built a mental toughness that few people know about. In an interview with Impact Theory’s Tom Bilyeu, David shared his radical approach to building himself from an overweight “nobody” to one of the most challenging people alive. Through his struggles and experiences, he teaches us 10 No-BS life lessons that can help us become the heroes of our lives and take massive bold action to achieve our potential.

Face Your Darkness & Master It

David believes that many people are uncomfortable with his radical approach to building mental toughness because it requires facing inner demons and embracing darkness. He thinks it’s the only way to start making yourself and creating a better future.

Taking Souls Not the Easy Route

David believes that most people take the easy route in life and never push themselves to achieve their full potential. He thinks the only way to succeed genuinely is to take the souls of our limiting beliefs and the negative voices in our heads.

The Accountability Mirror

David believes practicing radical honesty with yourself and holding yourself accountable for your actions is essential. He advises creating an accountability mirror where you can be honest with yourself and hold yourself responsible for your goals and progress.

Testing Your Mediocrity

David believes we must test our mediocrity and push ourselves to be better than average. He believes in constantly making ourselves out of our comfort zones to achieve more than we ever thought possible.

Find Yourself In the Insecurities

David believes that we can find drive in our insecurities and that our doubts and fears can fuel our success. By pushing ourselves through our insecurities and doubts, we can become unstoppable.

Look Into Your Cookie Jar

David advocates celebrating our successes and achievements by looking into our “cookie jar” and reminding ourselves of everything we’ve accomplished. This helps build confidence and reminds us to keep pushing forward.

Train Your Mindset

David believes the most important thing we can do is train our mindset to be positive and resilient. We can overcome obstacles and achieve our goals by building a solid stand.


David Goggins has inspired many people looking to build mental toughness, discipline, and resilience. His radical approach to facing our fears, doubts, and insecurities may be uncomfortable, but it’s the most powerful way to build ourselves up and create a better future. By following his ten life lessons, we can become the heroes of our own lives and achieve our full potential.


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Source Description
My amazing and talented wife Lisa is releasing her new book Radical Confidence, which you can preorder – and get the bonuses she’s created for you – at When you read this book, Lisa will teach you 10 No-BS Life Lessons to become the hero of your own life and take MASSIVE bold action to achieve your potential!

Do you feel you lack motivation or are unsure how to achieve your goals? Then head on over to There you can register and get access to a free workshop.

Very few people can stand with absolute confidence when it comes to mental toughness, discipline, and being hardcore like no other. By now, you’ve realized how hard life is. Maybe your future didn’t work out as you and your family expected. Perhaps you’re convinced the world you grew up in is hostile, dark, and heartless towards someone like you.

Living with a victim mindset isn’t going to change your situation. Learning how to meet yourself where you are and stare at your inadequacies with total and radical honesty may be the most challenging thing you ever do, but perhaps it’s the only way out of the messed up life you’re living now.

David Goggins, former Navy Seal, ultra marathon runner, athlete, and total badass, knows what it takes to build a mental toughness very few people know about. His radical approach to building himself from an overweight “nobody” to one of the most challenging people alive makes many people uncomfy. Still, it inspires the heck out you’re looking to break out of a mindset that’s keeping you stuck, save this episode and listen to it over again.


0:00 | Introduction
0:20 | Face Your Darkness & Master It
6:57 | Taking Souls Not the Easy Route
14:12 | The Accountability Mirror
23:40 | Testing Your Mediocrity
34:45 | Find Yourself In the Insecurities
43:50 | Look Into Your Cookie Jar
1:08:26 | Train Your Mindset


“If you think I’m some unhappy guy, you’re wrong. Having lived my life and seen the other side, not being afraid to attack what was before I have made me happy.” [0:46]

“If I don’t give you all of me, why am I here? […] People take so much offense to me. If we tap dance around the truth, you will never learn from people.” [5:48]

“I want to be the very best, and very best may e ‘I’m number one.’ The best is, did I leave everything inside of me out there, […] I’m running against myself in everything I do. [13:43]

“I got to experience the beauty of true f*cking willpower, true f*ck you, I’m going to fail, I’m going to f*cking fail, I’m going to f*cking fail, I’m going to f*cking fail, and I will succeed.” [20:41]

“I chose the path of most resistance, talent not required.” [21:48]

“You gain knowledge through suffering, and on the other end of suffering is a world that very few have ever seen. It’s a beautiful world cause that’s where you find yourself.” [26:21]

“All the energy and fuel you need is right in yourself. It’s all there. You got a lot of stuff to do to overcome […] I found driving in my insecurities.” [33:56]

“When you find drive in your doubt, fear, insecurities, you become very unstoppable.” [34:15]

“Even though I was standing erect, my mind was in a fetal position.” [42:09]

“I had to build calluses in my brain the same way I built calluses on my hands.” [47:24]

“The only thing you’re ever going thing o get to the other side of this journey is you have to must. To grow, you must suffer.” [50:48]

“In times of suffering, we forget how hard we are cause […] suffering is the true test of life.” [1:06:18]

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