Keep Going When You’re Broken

Keep Going When You’re Broken

Summary of Transcript:
This video features narration by David Goggins, a former Navy SEAL, who shares his story about competing in his first ultra-marathon after being inspired by the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. Goggins signed up for the Badwater 135-mile race through Death Valley after reading it was one of the top 10 hardest races in the world. However, he had no experience in ultramarathons and hadn’t even run a marathon. He signed up for a San Diego one-day 24-hour race to qualify and managed to complete 100 miles in 24 hours to qualify. He then participated in the Badwater 135, but by mile 70, he was peeing blood and suffering from severe pain. He realized that suffering was necessary to push beyond his limits and decided to break the last 30 miles down into smaller goals, ultimately finishing the race successfully. Despite being overweight and having previous injuries, Goggins also shares his methods to endure the pain and prepare for the ultramarathon.

Summary of Description:
Tom Bilyeu and David Goggins discuss Goggins’ experience of running 19 miles on broken feet on Impact Theory. They talk about the mindset and determination required to push through extreme physical pain and achieve one’s goals. Follow Tom Bilyeu on Instagram, YouTube, and Spotify for more content.

Tom Bilyeu and David Goggins Discuss Running 19 Miles on Broken Feet

Tom Bilyeu’s Impact Theory recently featured an episode with David Goggins, a retired Navy SEAL and ultra-endurance athlete. Goggins shared his experience of running 19 miles on broken feet and how he persevered through the pain to achieve his goals.

The conversation clip, viewed on YouTube, offers valuable insights into the mindset and physical strength required to push oneself even in the face of extreme adversity.

David Goggins: His Story

Goggins shared how he grew up in a tough environment, living in poverty and with an abusive father. He turned to food for comfort and eventually became overweight, weighing 300 pounds by his early 20s.

However, a chance encounter with a Navy SEAL poster at a job fair sparked something in Goggins, and he went on to become a SEAL himself, serving in active combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Goggins’s journey has not been easy, and he has had to overcome several challenges, including racism, obesity, and physical injuries. But through it all, his mindset has remained unwavering, and he has achieved incredible feats of endurance.

The 19-Mile Run

In the conversation with Bilyeu, Goggins recounted how he ran 19 miles on broken feet during an ultra-marathon in 2007. During the race, he developed several fractures in his feet and was advised by medical staff to drop out.

But Goggins refused to give up. He taped his broken feet, put on his shoes, and continued running. The pain was excruciating, and he had to stop several times to adjust his taping and apply more ice, but he kept going.

Goggins ultimately finished the race, coming in third place despite the painful injuries and qualifying for the prestigious Badwater 135 race. His perseverance and determination were awe-inspiring.

What Allowed Goggins to Persevere

Goggins’s success lies in a strong mindset and a relentless pursuit of his goals. He believes the only way to achieve greatness is by pushing oneself beyond perceived limits and embracing discomfort.

In the conversation with Bilyeu, he explained how he overcame obstacles by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable parts. He also spoke of the importance of visualizing oneself succeeding and staying committed even when the going gets tough.

Goggins’s message is inspiring, highlighting the importance of mental strength in achieving success.


The conversation clip between Tom Bilyeu and David Goggins is a powerful reminder of the power of mindset and perseverance. Goggins’s story serves as an inspiration to anyone facing adversity and shows how the right attitude can help to overcome any challenge.

We can achieve greatness by breaking down obstacles, committing to goals, and pushing beyond perceived limits. Goggins’s approach to life is a lesson in mental strength and the rewards from embracing discomfort and going oneself to be the best.

We can all learn from Goggins’s journey and use his story to motivate us to keep pushing, even when it seems like the odds are against us.


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Source Description
Clip of Tom Bilyeu and David Goggins discussing Running 19 miles on broken feet on Impact Theory. Watch the full video here:

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