Diet Lies Killing You!

Diet Lies Killing You!

Summary of Transcript:
The video is an interview with psychiatrist Dr. Georgia Ede about her book “The Metabolic Approach to Mental Health”. Dr. Ede believes that all mental disorders are metabolic disorders of the brain, with the primary issue being a balance of activity in brain cells. She argues that introducing treatments such as dietary interventions or medication that affect brain metabolism can lead to overshooting or undershooting and new symptoms. Dr. Ede discusses mitochondria, which she calls “the motherboard of the cell,” and their many functions beyond simply being a powerhouse. Mitochondria play a role in regulating neurotransmitter and hormone production and release, inflammation, epigenetics, and calcium levels in cells. Dr. Ede’s perspective on mental health and the importance of metabolic health is considered radical by some, but she argues for a more holistic and personalized approach to mental health treatment.

Summary of Description:
In this episode, Dr. Chris Palmer, a Harvard psychiatrist, discusses the brain energy theory of mental illness and its direct correlation to diet and mitochondrial function. He explains that poor diet choices, lack of sleep, and high levels of stress can impact metabolic disorders of the brain which lead to mental disorders. Palmer argues that mitochondrial dysfunction is ultimately the cause of mental illness and that a medical ketogenic diet can be used as a treatment. He stresses the importance of giving the body a chance to heal itself and advises against consuming brand name foods which have no place in dietary guidelines and recommendations.

Using a Medical Ketogenic Diet to Treat Mental Disorders: A Mini-Masterclass

If you struggle with mental disorders, you probably know the frustration that ensues when conventional treatments and therapies don’t work. You might feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of medication trial and error that never seems to end. However, Dr. Chris Palmer, a Harvard-based psychiatrist, offers a revolutionary new take on mental health in his book, Brain Energy. The book is a mini-masterclass on the importance of mitochondrial function and its role in mental disorders.

What Dr. Palmer says about Mental Disorders

Dr. Palmer postulates that all recent data points to mental disorders being metabolic disorders of the brain. That’s right–diet plays a powerful role in the underlying metabolic dysfunction that leads to mental illnesses like anxiety and depression. Palmer’s book offers detailed information about how mitochondria are key to understanding the connection between nutrition and mental health.

The Brain Energy Theory Revealed

Dr. Palmer’s brain energy theory of mental illness offers an explanation for why conventional treatments for mental disorders are so hit and miss. His theory states that the root cause of mental health disorders lies in the malfunctioning of mitochondria, which are responsible for the energy production of the brain. All processes that are known to impair brain health also impair mitochondrial function.

Understanding the Role of Diet

One of the key insights Dr. Palmer shares in his book is the role of diet in mitochondrial function. Specific diets such as the ketogenic diet or intermittent fasting are available to heal metabolic derangements in the body or brain. Palmer suggests that the ketogenic diet is one potential way to treat serious mental disorders like schizophrenia, citing his own experience in seeing the diet “put schizophrenia into remission.”

The Hurdles and Roadblocks

One of the biggest roadblocks to healing through proper diet is the commercial enterprises that control food production and promotion in the United States. Dr. Palmer argues that dietary guidelines and recommendations are skewed due to the overwhelming influence of these commercial enterprises. The good news is that the body is “really good” at healing itself, and the ketogenic diet or fasting mimicking states may so profound for dramatic healing via its neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects.


If you’re tired of the same old approaches to managing your mental health, Dr. Palmer’s book, Brain Energy, offers a new and innovative approach that can revolutionize how you approach mental health. By Deepening your understanding of mitochondrial function and its vital role in the brain, you will be better equipped to make choices that will positively impact your mental health for good.


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On Today’s Episode:

You already know that poor diet choices, lack of sleep and high levels of stress are making it impossible to control your weight, manage your mood, and have productive days. It’s the avalanche of poor decisions that assault your metabolism and impact your mental health in ways you haven’t connected until now.

A good diet, being well rested, keeping your stress levels low not only positively affect your metabolism, they also positively affect your mental health.

Dr. Chris Palmer, a Harvard psychiatrist, has introduced the brain energy theory of mental illness, revealing that mental disorders are metabolic disorders of the brain. Which means there is a direct connection to diet and mental health. Dr. Palmer has been pioneering the use of a medical ketogenic diet as a treatment for mental disorders, and has released his new book, Brain Energy, carefully connecting the dots and explaining why mitochondria are at the center of it all.

This episode is easily a mini-masterclass on mitochondrial function as Dr. Palmer explains all of the systems and processes mitochondria directly impact tying to nutrition and mental health. What’s shocking is that all of the things known to impair mental illness directly impair mitochondrial function.

If you want to know how to do a ketogenic diet well without a one-size fits all kind of solution, better understand why diet may be behind your sleepless nights and debilitating levels of anxiety, then this is the episode for you.

Check out Dr. Palmer’s book, Brain Energy:


“I’m arguing all mental disorders are metabolic disorders of the brain.”

“I am saying diet plays a powerful role in mental illness, diet plays a powerful role in mitochondrial health, but it is not the only thing that plays a role [in mental health].”

“What I’m saying in a nutshell is that mitochondrial dysfunction is ultimately the cause of mental illness.”

“When I saw it put schizophrenia into remission at that point I knew I can’t stay quiet about this, this is too important.”

“I would argue that the ketogenic diet or fasting states or fasting mimicking states in particular play a profound role in healing, and the reason is not because carbohydrates are the villain, the reason is because fasting is the saving treatment.”

“People who are overweight or diabetic or more likely to have autistic children…”

“Obesity and diabetes are symptoms. Obesity and diabetes are not causes, they are symptoms. They are symptoms of metabolic derangement somewhere in the body or brain.”

“The body is really good at healing itself, we just have to give it a chance. It knows what to do.”

“The thing that is criminal is that the people who make decisions about what the health and wellness of the United States population should be, the overwhelming majority of them have very strong ties to commercial enterprises that make ultra processed foods.”

“Brand name foods have no place in dietary guidelines and recommendations they just don’t!”

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