758 – No Ability to Command Change

Summary of 758 – You Can’t Control Change:
The podcast episode discusses the idea that you cannot control change, but you can influence its outcome. The language of change can create an illusion of finality, and there will always be something to strive for. Progress is the key, and every day, you make better choices that shift the way your life works. Joining the Tiny Leaps members’ community is also introduced as a way to connect with like-minded individuals. The episode emphasizes enjoying the journey and not just the destination.


– Change creates an illusion of finality.
– You can influence the change but not create the change.
– Everyday, you make better choices that shift the way your life works.
– Progress is the key.
– Change is a fundamental part of being alive.

Why You Can’t Control Change But Can Influence the Outcome

Change is a fundamental part of our human experience. It’s what allows us to move forward, find new opportunities, and gain knowledge on a daily basis. However, despite its beneficial aspects, change can often be overwhelming and intimidating. Many of us may believe that we have control over changes in our lives, but the truth is that we can’t control change, and it’s an incredibly harmful ideology to hold onto.

The language of change is constantly used in our day-to-day lives, from motivational quotes to self-improvement books. However, when we use that language, it positions improvement; it positions it as progress, something that has an end outcome. There’s always going to be something to strive and work towards, and there’s no end game when it comes to change.

Change creates an illusion of finality. You think that if you could just do this, then everything would be great. But the reality is that goals are constantly changing, shifting and reforming as we grow, evolve and become wiser. We constantly push the goal posts, but there is always a goal post. Change will always keep coming up in our lives, whether we are prepared for it or not. Even if we try to keep things the way it is and control the pace of change, we will have to endure the consequences of ignoring the inevitable. In essence, change is an essential part of being alive, and it’s something that we have to learn to adapt and embrace.

You cannot create change, but you can influence it. The decisions that we make every day collectively determine the outcome of the change that comes our way. It’s imperative to take charge of our well-being and strive to make positive progress towards a better tomorrow. Every day you make choices that shift the way your life works. You can choose to aim for progress, and that in itself will influence the course of your change.

Progress is the key. It’s vital to acknowledge that progress isn’t always linear and that the journey of change is a journey of wondrous discovery. Each decision that you make counts towards the outcome of your change, and over time, these positive, better choices accumulate to lay the foundation of your final outcome.

In conclusion, you cannot control change, but you can take ahold of it by making the right decisions each day. Change is a fundamental part of being alive, and it’s something that we all must adapt and embrace. By taking charge of our progress, we can shape the outcome of our change and move towards a brighter tomorrow.

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