7-Day Breathing Technique for Better Respiration!

7-Day Breathing Technique for Better Respiration!

Summary of Transcript:
The guest for the episode is James Nester, a journalist who wrote a book about breathing. Initially, the host was skeptical of the topic, but after reading the book, he realized that breathing is much broader and more important. One of the surprising things that Nester discovered is that humans are anatomically predisposed to breathe improperly because our faces have grown flatter and our mouths smaller, which makes it harder for us to breathe properly. This has caused respiratory issues such as sleep apnea and snoring, which are linked to metabolic problems like diabetes, anxiety issues, hypertension, and asthma. The problem has arisen because humans consume industrialized foods that lack proper nutrients, leading to poor musculature and bone structure. One of the solutions that Nester suggests is to breathe through the nose, which leads to improved airflow and better health outcomes. Additionally, he mentions how he tries to approach the topic with healthy skepticism and obtain reliable scientific evidence to support the claims. Finally, Nester talks about free divers and their extraordinary ability to hold their breath for long periods by training their bodies to become more flexible and adaptable.

Summary of Description:
James Nestor, journalist and author of “Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art,” joins Tom Bilyeu on Impact Theory to discuss the importance of breathing and why we need to reevaluate our approach to it. Nestor explains that improper breathing can negatively affect our sleep, energy, immune system, and metabolism. He shares the power of breathing less, the incredible feats of free divers, the benefits of nose breathing, and the health benefits of proper breathing. Nestor also discusses the importance of chewing and its benefits for our airways. He emphasizes that breathing should be more of a topic of discussion and shares powerful breathing tips for everyday health.

The Power of Proper Breathing: A Discussion with Author James Nestor

Breathing is an essential activity for life, yet many of us do it mindlessly without much thought or attention. However, journalist and author James Nestor believes that how we breathe can profoundly impact our overall health and well-being. In his book, “Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art,” Nestor explores how we can move our sleep, energy levels, immune systems, and metabolism. In this episode of Impact Theory, Nestor joins host Tom Bilyeu to discuss his findings and why it’s essential to reevaluate our approach to breathing.

Discovery: Surprising Findings on Breathing

Nestor admits that he was surprised by what he discovered during his research on breathing. He found that modern humans have many breathing problems and that the root cause is often related to our modern lifestyle. Nestor argues that we breathe too much and do so in a way that negatively impacts our overall health.

Implications: Negative Effects of Poor Breathing Habits

The negative effects of poor breathing habits are significant, according to Nestor. These habits can weaken our immune systems, slow our metabolisms, and impact our sleep quality. This, in turn, can contribute to other health problems, such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.

Science: Taking a No-Bullshit Approach

During his research, Nestor took a no-bullshit approach, looking at scientific and research studies worldwide. He found that the science of breathing is becoming widely accepted, and a growing body of evidence supports the benefits of proper breathing.

Free Diving: Extraordinary Feats of Breathing

Free divers are a group of people who have developed extraordinary breathing capabilities. Nestor shares how free divers can hold their breath for several minutes; some have even reached incredible depths without scuba gear. Nestor believes we can learn much from these individuals about improving our breathing.

Nose Breathing: The Benefits

Nestor believes that breathing through our nose is essential for our overall health. Nose breathing can increase oxygenation, decrease infection risk, and improve sleep quality. Nestor encourages audiences to switch to nose breathing as much as possible.

Chewing: Incredibly Beneficial

One surprising aspect of Nestor’s discussion is the importance of chewing. Nestor shares how chewing can positively transform our faces and airways, positively impacting our overall health. Chewing also stimulates the production of saliva, which can help our digestive process.

Health: Breathing Should be a Topic of Discussion

Nestor believes that breathing should be a more prominent topic of discussion among healthcare professionals. Proper breathing is essential for our overall health, and healthcare providers should make it a part of their regular practice.

Everyday Breathing: Best Practices

Nestor discusses some best practices for regular breathing, including slow breathing and holding your breath. He also shares how we can improve our posture and discusses the importance of being more flexible in our breathing.

In conclusion, Nestor’s discussion highlights the importance of proper breathing habits for overall health and well-being. Proper breathing can bolster our immune systems, improve our energy levels, and help us enjoy better sleep and metabolism. He encourages audiences to take a more mindful approach to their breathing and to consider implementing his tips and practices into their daily lives.


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Source Description
Breathing; A mindless activity we do every day without giving effort, thought, or practice. Perhaps this is why many of us suffer from poor sleep, lack of energy, weakened immune systems, and slow metabolisms. On this episode of Impact Theory, journalist and author of “Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art,” James Nestor, joins Tom Bilyeu to discuss why you must immediately reevaluate your entire approach to breathing. They discuss how the way that you are breathing may be detrimental to your whole life, the power of living less, the incredible feats of free divers, the control of breathing through your nose, the health benefits of proper breathing, and how chewing positively transforms your face and airways.

Purchase James’ book, “Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art”: amazon.com/dp/0735213615/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_QBkHFb3NQB8NX


Discovery | James reveals the most surprising thing he’s discovered about breathing. [0:19]
Causes | James discusses the root cause of modern breathing problems. [1:49]
Implications | James discusses the negative effects of improper breathing. [2:47]
Science | James discusses the no-bullshit approach he’s taken to his research. [5:11]
Free Diving | James shares the extraordinary breathing feats of free divers. [7:13]
Western Mind | James discusses the bifurcation between the Western and Eastern mindsets. [14:49]
Breathe Less | James reveals the importance of holding your breath and being flexible. [18:53]
Nose Breathing | James discusses the benefits of breathing through the nose. [21:00]
Plugged Nose | James shares a story of plugging his nose and the damage caused. [27:09]
Resurgence | James reveals why the science of breathing is becoming widely accepted. [31:30]
Tummo Breathing | James shares the power of heating yourself through breathing. [35:23]
Mysteries | James discusses the discoveries still left with breathing science. [41:13]
Health | James shares why breathing should be more of a topic of discussion. [43:56]
Slow Breathing | James shares powerful breathing tips for increasing circulation. [45:26]
Everyday Breathing | James discusses best breathing practices for daily health. [48:28]
Chewing | James discusses the importance of chewing and its incredible benefits. [51:11]
Connect | James shares ways to follow him to learn more and stay connected. [54:09]


“Just breathing equivalent breaths through the nose than through the mouth will increase oxygenation by about 20%.” [22:34]

“Allowing the body to enter a state where it can heal itself is what it’s doing every minute of every day, but we need to allow our bodies to do more. And that, to me, is the core of what breathing allows us to do.” [35:13]

“The important thing is to know that to bolster your body’s defenses, to focus on your breathing, can have a profound effect on your immune function.” [44:53]


Website: https://mrjamesnestor.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mrjamesnestor
Instagram: https://instagram.com/mrjamesnestor


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