5 Steps to Gut Health

Gut Health

Your gut (the digestive tract) contains trillions of bacteria, fungi and viruses that help you digest food. It’s also a powerful source of immunity, weight regulation and energy.

Maintaining good gut health requires taking a holistic approach that includes exercise, diet and stress control. Here are a few things to consider:

Eat More Fiber

High-fiber foods, such as beans, nuts, seeds and vegetables, can help boost the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut. Get at least 30 grams of fiber a day.

Enjoy Probiotic-Rich Foods

Fermented foods, such as yogurt, kombucha and sauerkraut, can also help your microbiome grow healthy bacteria. Talk with a health professional about adding these to your diet.

Rebalance Your Diet

A diet that is low in calories, nutrient-rich and full of healthy fats, proteins and carbohydrates is best for your microbiome. Focus on adding more of the “four F’s” to your diet – fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains – as this encourages the growth of the good bacteria that can boost your metabolism, immune system and even brain, Damman said.

Rebalance Your Lifestyle

Research suggests that a sedentary lifestyle, excessive alcohol consumption and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can have negative effects on the gut microbiome. Regular exercise can help increase species diversity in your gut bacterial community, Damman explained.

Rebalance Your Mental Wellness

Studies show that people who suffer from anxiety and depression tend to have poorer bowel function. Meditation and stress reduction can improve gut health and decrease symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and other GI issues.