4 Power-Ownership Methods

4 Power-Ownership Methods

Summary of 4 Ways to Own Your POWER:
This content encourages readers to own their power. It provides steps, including disowning weak beliefs, owning boundaries and borrowing power, being proud of your abilities, and using your power to achieve goals. The author emphasizes the importance of recognizing and changing limiting beliefs to achieve success and encourages readers to seek the proper support to succeed. Additionally, the author states that owning your power involves using your unique gifts, fulfilling your purpose, and achieving bigger goals. It is important to note that the content is intended for informational purposes only, and individual results may vary. Readers should seek professional advice before making any investment or business decisions.

How to Own Your Power and Build Your Empire

If you’ve ever felt like you’re not in control of your life and don’t have the power to make things happen, it’s time to take charge. Owning your power is one of the most incredible things you can do for yourself, and it’s easier than you might think. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to own your power so you can build the empire you’ve always wanted.

What is Real Power?

Before we start, let’s define what real power is. Elena Cardone states power is “the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events.” It’s important to note that power is made up entirely of energy, meaning you can change it wherever you like and get more of it when needed.

Disown Weak, Old Beliefs

The first step to owning your power is to disown any weak or old beliefs holding you back. Take a minute to identify any ideas or misconceptions keeping you from going after what you want. Any thought that makes you tell yourself, “I can’t do that,” needs to go. Take all the ones that aren’t aligned with who you are, and throw them out like trash.

Own Your Boundaries

The next step is to know your boundaries and limits. We all have strengths and weaknesses, and knowing what they are is essential. You need to know where your capabilities end to get the proper support. No empire has ever been built alone, and you need to know when to borrow power from others.

Be PROUD of Your Ability

An incredible technique to own your power is simply changing your language. You are not “just a mom” or “just an accountant.” Whatever your role is, there is value and power within it. Try reframing your job description to focus on the positive impact you have. Instead of saying, “I’m an accountant,” say, “I ensure this company’s finances are accurate and up-to-date.”

Final Step to Fully Own Your Power

The final step to fully owning your power is to use it. When you are using your unique gifts, fulfilling your purpose, and going for bigger and bigger goals, you can’t help but feel like a superhero. So, use your power to build your empire.

In conclusion, owning your power is essential to build an empire. Start by disowning any weak or old beliefs that are holding you back. Then, know your boundaries and borrow power when you need it. Change your language to focus on your positive impact, and finally, use your power to make things happen. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to owning your power and building the empire of your dreams.

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