10 Habits Hurting Weight Loss Progress Over 50

10 Habits Hurting Weight Loss Progress Over 50

Summary of 10 Habits That Destroy Your Weight Loss Progress After 50:
This article discusses 10 bad habits that can destroy weight loss progress after the age of 50, including skipping workouts, being too strict with the diet, taking long breaks from exercise, skipping sleep, getting down on oneself, trying to do it all alone, only doing cardio, going too extreme, not warming up or cooling down, and using poor technique. The article offers alternative strategies to overcome these habits and achieve sustainable weight loss. The author recommends consistency in exercise, allowing for occasional cheat meals, getting coaching and support when needed, incorporating strength training and avoiding high-impact activities, and warming up and cooling down properly.

As You Get Older, Avoid These 10 Habits That Destroy Your Weight Loss Progress

Getting older can make it harder to lose weight and stay lean, but there are certain habits that can make it even more challenging to see progress. In your 50s and beyond, it’s important to avoid these habits that can severely limit your weight loss progress and sabotage all the hard work you put in. Here are 10 of the worst habits that can destroy your weight loss progress:

1. Skipping workouts: Consistency is key when it comes to staying lean. Make sure to find ways to stick to your exercise routine, such as finding a workout partner or hiring a coach.

2. Being too strict with your diet: While it’s important to eat healthy most of the time, occasional “cheat meals” can actually improve your hormone levels and increase adherence.

3. Taking long breaks from exercise: Long breaks can make it feel like you’re starting from scratch when you come back to exercising. Try to avoid long pauses by dialing down to one or two times a week rather than stopping altogether.

4. Skipping sleep: Sleep is one of the most vital things you can do to support your weight loss progress as it helps your body recover from training and heal itself. Adults should aim for a minimum of seven hours of solid rest each night.

5. Not lifting yourself up: Don’t get too down on yourself if you make mistakes on your diet or exercise routine. Learn from any roadblocks and get right back on track with your goals.

6. Trying to do it all yourself: Consider hiring a professional, such as a personal trainer or dietitian, to give you the coaching and support you need to see great results.

7. Only doing cardio: Strength training should be added to your exercise program after you hit 50 to strengthen your joints, bones, and muscles.

8. Going too extreme: Avoid movements and exercises that can harm you, and always work your way up instead.

9. Not warming up or cooling down: As you get older, your flexibility and mobility gradually decline, so it’s important to do a thorough warm-up and stretch to maintain your muscle flexibility.

10. Using poor technique: Bad exercise technique can hurt your progress and safety, so it’s important to master proper technique and good posture. Consider getting a coach to teach you the correct technique.

By avoiding these habits that can destroy your weight loss progress, you can encourage healthy weight loss that lasts. Remember to stay consistent with your exercise routine, have a balanced approach to your diet, and get the support you need to achieve your goals.

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